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Type: Posts; User: Devorameira

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  1. Question: Missing her

    by Devorameira

    A lot of people want a lot of things they never...

    A lot of people want a lot of things they never get. As long as you know and trust your girlfriend and know it'll never come to fruition, I'd just ignore it.
  2. Answers

    Wake up - he's using you! Stop being so...

    Wake up - he's using you! Stop being so gullible.

    It's definitely time for you to move on and find an "available" man to start a relationship with, as this man is already taken.
  3. We definitely need more information. Tal had...

    We definitely need more information. Tal had some good questions. If you can answer them, I'm sure we'll be able to provide some good advice.
  4. Answers

    All you can do it work into it slowly! Don't...

    All you can do it work into it slowly! Don't drink so much either, as the alcohol starts talking and can ruin a relationship really quickly.
  5. You're right to ignore her. She's just been...

    You're right to ignore her. She's just been dragging both you and the ex along.

    Time to go complete No Contact and move on with your life.
  6. Anything is possible, but it really does seem...

    Anything is possible, but it really does seem improbable right now.

    If you were together 10 years, why would you think things would change now if you were back together? Just be honest with...
  7. Seriously - you can't have a healthy relationship...

    Seriously - you can't have a healthy relationship without some trust.

    He seems controlling and insecure as can be and that's not a good thing. Eventually he'll be wanting you to give up...
  8. Answers

    I think he's sick and tired of being accused and...

    I think he's sick and tired of being accused and being bad-mouthed for things he has no control over (work, broken down car, etc). Can't say that I blame him!

    This relationship is over and you...
  9. Answers

    He's not the only fish in the sea. Don't lose...

    He's not the only fish in the sea. Don't lose weight and dress differently for him, you'll only be successful if you do it for yourself. Change is only good when you do it for yourself.

  10. Answers

    You might want to contact HSN. I think they have...

    You might want to contact HSN. I think they have an e-mail address for her.
  11. Answers

    Most of the time, when guys ask for a break they...

    Most of the time, when guys ask for a break they really want a break-up and are simply calling it a "break" in case they change their mind sometime down the road.

    You need to treat this as a true...
  12. Answers

    I personally hate texting - it's like e-mail,...

    I personally hate texting - it's like e-mail, really impersonal.

    You need to communicate face to face and be open and honest with him about how you feel. If he doesn't want to listen and shows...
  13. Answers

    Tal is definitely right - seventeen years is way...

    Tal is definitely right - seventeen years is way too long to put up with him and his crap. The whole relationship has been a mass of lies, abuse, and cheating.

    I can't foresee anything good ever...
  14. Is drinking and drunkenness a regular routine for...

    Is drinking and drunkenness a regular routine for him? If it is, it's possible that it's part of the problem.

    You really can't listen to "drunk talk", so throw the fat thoughts out of your mind. ...
  15. I am a little confused. You say you want him to...

    I am a little confused. You say you want him to man-up and take care of his responsibility in one sentence, then you express concern that if you start up a business that she'll try to get back...
  16. Definitely!

  17. Answers

    I know it's painful, but there's nothing you can...

    I know it's painful, but there's nothing you can do... seems like her mind is made up.

    Some people take breaks and do get back together. It does happen, but not very often.

    Accept the "break"...
  18. The best thing you can do for yourself is to...

    The best thing you can do for yourself is to consider this as a break-up and move on. Moving on is tough, but not moving on would be tougher.

    No contact is the only way to go. You seem to be...
  19. Answers

    It's really obvious that there has been a lot...

    It's really obvious that there has been a lot more going on in this relationship going on than him just working a lot.

    Evidently he does feel like he can never trust you again and thinks the...
  20. She told you to leave her alone, so that's...

    She told you to leave her alone, so that's exactly what you should do. Don't try to talk to her and don't send any letters. You've made your point and she obviously isn't interested in being...
  21. Answers

    It seems you wanted more out of this...

    It seems you wanted more out of this relationship. Did you actually date her or did you just hang out as friends?

    If you were actually boyfriend and girlfriend, you should talk to her about the...
  22. Answers

    There's really not any answer to be found in a...

    There's really not any answer to be found in a smile.

    Next time you see him, why not try having a casual conversation with him and see if anything develops from there.
  23. I'd say it's probably a scam. Never send money...

    I'd say it's probably a scam. Never send money to anyone you don't know!
  24. Answers

    Leave him! He's already told you he's a player...

    Leave him! He's already told you he's a player and he's proven it to you over and over. Don't stick around and allow him to rub it in your face and make a fool of you. You deserve much better...
  25. Answers

    If the situation is as bad as it reads, then I'd...

    If the situation is as bad as it reads, then I'd definitely be giving him to ultimatum of marriage counseling or divorce.

    Marriage should be a partnership, but seems like you certainly don't have...
  26. Answers

    You really need to consult with a good divorce...

    You really need to consult with a good divorce attorney NOW. He/She will guide you in the right direction to ensure that you aren't stuck paying child support for another man's baby.
  27. I would definitely stay out of it. There's...

    I would definitely stay out of it.

    There's really nothing you should do except be available to talk to your best friend when she needs someone to talk to!
  28. The big question is - How old are you??

    The big question is - How old are you??
  29. It's way too early to tell whether she's a...

    It's way too early to tell whether she's a keeper. The whole situation seems "unusual" to say the least.

    Only time will tell if she's legit. If I were you I would definitely stop being so free...
  30. You need to read the sticky, "The Meaning of No...

    You need to read the sticky, "The Meaning of No Contact (NC)".

    No Contact rule isn't a means of getting back the ex... it's a means of getting over the relationship!

    Why did you two break up in...
  31. Question: Trust

    by Devorameira

    If you don't have trust, you don't have a healthy...

    If you don't have trust, you don't have a healthy relationship.

    Why not provide some more information?
  32. It's normal to have cold feet as the date...

    It's normal to have cold feet as the date approaches. Only you can decide if he's actually right for you though.

    Tal is right, the best thing you can do is communicate with him openly and...
  33. Answers

    If he's a cheat, there's nothing you can do about...

    If he's a cheat, there's nothing you can do about it or anyway to find out for sure, but with your doubts, I think it's time to move on.

    Since you have so much stuff going on in your life, you'd...
  34. Answers

    I agree with Amicon... he's just not willing to...

    I agree with Amicon... he's just not willing to put any effort into the relationship, so it doesn't have a chance.

    The best thing you can do is break up with him and move on. Sure it'll be tough,...
  35. Answers

    He may just be busy. Why not heed Amicon's...

    He may just be busy. Why not heed Amicon's advice and just send him a casual text if you don't hear from him in a few days?
  36. Why not give her the benefit of the doubt? At...

    Why not give her the benefit of the doubt? At least she was honest and upfront with you when she broke up with you BEFORE she went out with him... that's a good thing.

    It's possible that she...
  37. Answers

    I think it'd be fine to go out to listen to...

    I think it'd be fine to go out to listen to music, but only if you tell him up front that you aren't interested in a romantic relationship with him and only want to be friends.
  38. Answers

    If he's texting about meeting up with other...

    If he's texting about meeting up with other women, I think it's time you face the music and move on.

    You deserve a lot better than you're getting.
  39. Sometimes it's impossible to remain friends with...

    Sometimes it's impossible to remain friends with someone you had feelings for.

    Sounds to me like you need to go complete "no contact" and really move on.
  40. If you really care about your husband you need to...

    If you really care about your husband you need to set him free.

    If you were miserable in your marriage you should have sought counseling and divorced if the problems were not fixable, not bedded...
  41. Please share some of the details. * Do you...

    Please share some of the details.

    * Do you have a good relationship with him?

    * What does your family think about the relationship?

    * How old are you both?
  42. I don't know all the details, but I know from my...

    I don't know all the details, but I know from my own experience that some people do have jobs that consume all their time... not that they necessarily want to work all the time, but that's what it...
  43. Answers

    She appears to want to control everything about...

    She appears to want to control everything about you. I personally wouldn't want to be around anyone like that.

    You need to be honest and tell her how you feel about her behavior and if it doesn't...
  44. You aren't "in love" with him, just a little...

    You aren't "in love" with him, just a little smitten.

    You write well, so your English must be good... stop worrying.

    Just try to strike up a friendly conversation with him, but don't jump in...
  45. Sounds like joypulv is right - why worry about...

    Sounds like joypulv is right - why worry about your credit rating if he is ruining your reputation? It's much easier to rebuild your credit that get back your reputation.

    Sounds to me like he's...
  46. Answers

    Long distance relationships are hard, but if you...

    Long distance relationships are hard, but if you really think you may have a chance with her, why not speak up and tell her how you feel?

    If she feels the same, great, but if she isn't interested...
  47. Answers

    It's impossible to say whether there has been any...

    It's impossible to say whether there has been any hanky panky going on. The problem could be all within your own head.

    Healthy relationships are built on trust and respect. Since you obviously...
  48. Answers

    You really need to take your daughter and leave...

    You really need to take your daughter and leave him. Don't use her as an excuse to stay with him, but instead use her as an incentive to leave that useless jerk.

    Do you even realize that you...
  49. Answers

    If you know in your heart that you've done...

    If you know in your heart that you've done nothing wrong, then don't allow yourself to feel guilty about anything. Abusers always try to blame their victim for their poor behavior... just don't let...
  50. You really got to tell him that you're not...

    You really got to tell him that you're not interested in a relationship, otherwise he'll keep holding out hope.

    Be gentle and let him down easily. There's no need to be brutal. Just tell him that...
Results 1 to 50 of 493