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Type: Posts; User: mistyjane

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  1. In Africa there are some people using this to...

    In Africa there are some people using this to bleach there skin. This is very dangerous.
    As Sara said we mainly use products of Hydroquinone family which includes mequinol and monobenzone.
  2. Answers

    I wouldn't suggest using makari.It is kind of...

    I wouldn't suggest using makari.It is kind of pricey and it wasn't good for oily skin.If you really want to have a beautiful skin you must start with buying some retin a cause it works wonders. You...
  3. Answers

    I have purchased from them and they sent me my...

    I have purchased from them and they sent me my products. But it was some hair care products not skin lightening.
    I think you won't have problems if you live in the U.S. If you live in europe(like...
  4. This is so annoying! I'm never able to find...

    This is so annoying! I'm never able to find anything here in France either! I always need to order from the us and the shipping is pricey and what makes it worse is that it takes like2 weeks to...
  5. Answers

    I don't know what he used but I don't want to...

    I don't know what he used but I don't want to have this type of skin color. Don't like it, don't think it would match my features.
    What is his color? GREY?
    I think he was looking good with dark...
  6. Answers

    Hey Brown!I'm very happy that you found someone...

    Hey Brown!I'm very happy that you found someone who deserves you.Life is so hard that when you go back home you need a loving man and not a stupid guy always making stupid statements about races... ...
  7. Hi Backseatlove and welcome! I think there are...

    Hi Backseatlove and welcome!
    I think there are many ways to fade the scars but since you are very young I can't advice you to use things that may harm you.
    Why don't you see your dermatologist? He...
  8. Answers

    Not only dark skinned people do this they are...

    Not only dark skinned people do this they are also some lighter skinned who come on the board cause they want to get very pale or maybe to even out their complexion.;)
  9. Answers

    Hi!Mr or Mrs Kasicoco I don't know where you're...

    Hi!Mr or Mrs Kasicoco I don't know where you're coming from but next time you want to talk to me make sure that you really know what you are saying.
    I do not use mono and never said I did. Go read...
  10. Answers

    Hi Logisela! I was using the clarissimme with...

    Hi Logisela!
    I was using the clarissimme with the green and white bottle when I was younger like in 2007 it doesn't lighten the skin at all.
    But I will never say that it isn't a great product cause...
  11. Answers

    I didn't peel.Just got yellow yellow yelllow I...

    I didn't peel.Just got yellow yellow yelllow I was looking strange I think cause in 2 weeks I was like 3 shades lighter and then dark spots and hair all over my face.People were looking at me like??...
  12. Hi!You want to be white? OR just to get lighter...

    Hi!You want to be white? OR just to get lighter than you are?
    I don't get it.
  13. Answers

    Good luck Synnen! I think this won't be easy in...

    Good luck Synnen!
    I think this won't be easy in fact I'm really getting tired of all the drama and rude posts.
    Some people here are never even courteous which is really annoying.
  14. Question: Neoprosone-gel

    by mistyjane

    No it works by itself. But it's a steroid and it...

    No it works by itself.
    But it's a steroid and it can really damage your skin and health on the long run. And also results will appear soon but will fade as soon as you will stop using it.:)
  15. Answers

    Yes I apply to my lips and no it didn't sting....

    Yes I apply to my lips and no it didn't sting.
    But what is great is that my lips never lightened fast before.
    I also wish you the best MISS uk :)
  16. Answers

    You know Sara I haven't seen people on the board...

    You know Sara I haven't seen people on the board saying they saw lightening in a week.
    I believe that in the first stage the lightening I saw on my lips came in like 2 weeks and the skin on the...
  17. Lol!

  18. Answers

    1)No just on my face and my back cause I don't...

    1)No just on my face and my back cause I don't want to use it too much on a very large area since it goes in the blood.
    And my body is lighter than my face.
    2)i would say 1 month since I don't use...
  19. NO it won't work. Use Palmer's alone or search...

    NO it won't work.
    Use Palmer's alone or search for something else but never put bio claire on your skin.
  20. Answers


  21. Answers

    Nothing dangerous is going to happen with lemon...

    Nothing dangerous is going to happen with lemon juice especially if it's mixed with a lotion(and with sunblock).
    I used it when I first started lightening my skin. It may work but it may take a year...
  22. Answers

    Why people lighten their skin? Simple: Why not?

    Why people lighten their skin?
    Simple: Why not?
  23. Yes!see your doctor cause this is serious.

    Yes!see your doctor cause this is serious.
  24. Answers

    I feel the same! How can people read the threads...

    I feel the same!
    How can people read the threads on this board and not be able to understand that even if you're desperate you have to forget bio claire :eek:
    It is not the way to go!
  25. Answers

    Hi Partygod! I'm glad to see my answer helped a...

    Hi Partygod!
    I'm glad to see my answer helped a little.
    1)i use 10%.I was planning to use something lower but this works for me.
    2)i apply the cream twice daily (but when I'm busy I use it only at...
  26. Answers

    The member called dessalm never comes on the...

    The member called dessalm never comes on the board these days. She is the only one who has tried mequinol on the long run.So she is the only one who can answer but I'm using mequinol and I can say...
  27. Answers

    Yes I also agree that it is because we let them....

    Yes I also agree that it is because we let them.
    Once they start they think they have some power and this makes them feel better.
    I also think if you like playing games with the one who cares for...
  28. Answers

    Actions speak louder than words. If the girl...

    Actions speak louder than words.
    If the girl loves you why is she playing games?
    If she loves you why is she hurting you and making you feel sad?
    If she loves you why is she interested in other...
  29. I don't really understand what kind of...

    I don't really understand what kind of relationship you're having cause it seems like whenever you have an argument or any type of issue you go on a break.
    First time I hear of this.
    I thought that...
  30. Answers

    Another mono user reported that she noticed her...

    Another mono user reported that she noticed her eyes color had changed so maybe you should ask her.
    And she is using a higher percentage like 70% or something :eek:.
    Her name is mj2006.
  31. Yes I agree that lactic acid never made me peel...

    Yes I agree that lactic acid never made me peel visibly.(in fact it's kind of moisturizing my skin and makes it look bright)
    Retin a did but I'm still happy even if sometimes when I wake up I look...
  32. Answers

    OH NO Sara, I wasn't talking about you. The...

    OH NO Sara, I wasn't talking about you.
    The problem is that when I think about mono the first thing that comes to my mind is this guy I think his user name was depigdesaster or something like that...
  33. Yes but if you read carefully how to use the peel...

    Yes but if you read carefully how to use the peel they say you can use the 2.You just need to not put retin a or any acid on the skin 24h before and after doing peel.
  34. Answers

    Girl, believe me there's no right way to use it....

    Girl, believe me there's no right way to use it.
    It isn't good for the skin and will give you more dark spots.(it did this to me, to my sister and to many others on the board)
    Try something else...
  35. I suggest lactic peel(30 to 40%) it is great for...

    I suggest lactic peel(30 to 40%) it is great for hyperpigmentation and very gentle(for a peel).
    You can do some research on it and make your own opinion.
    Good luck
  36. Yes 88% IS very much but if weezing has already...

    Yes 88% IS very much but if weezing has already used lactic peel (40 to 50) in the past she may be able to handle 60 to 70%.
    I'm only using 35% twice a week but now I do it weekly cause with the...
  37. Answers

    Maybe you could try HQ/retin a it works very well...

    Maybe you could try HQ/retin a it works very well for many people.
    I think you should also start to use some lactic peel maybe 40% it lightens the skin and it is very gentle I love it!!
    Good luck!
  38. Excuse me caroline but this is not a news. Since...

    Excuse me caroline but this is not a news.
    Since the Man is dead I really think we should leave him alone and it doesn't prove anything that he has some hq and So what?
    He was a beautiful person I...
  39. I think if your product was considered illegal it...

    I think if your product was considered illegal it would not even have passed the customs.
  40. Answers

    OMG! I'm so shocked right now I just opened my...

    I'm so shocked right now I just opened my mequinol and I can believe something can smell so bad!
    How? How?how?
    IT left me speechless hum hum hum!
    GOt to be very brave to put this on my skin!...
  41. Answers

    Thanks for your concern Sara!! I just want to...

    Thanks for your concern Sara!!
    I just want to say: YESSSS!!
    My MEquinol arrived today(finally) I'm happy so I want to say: see you in a little month for an update or maybe sooner if something...
  42. Answers

    There aren't mixed signals.It is not because she...

    There aren't mixed signals.It is not because she keeps you on her msn or whatever that it is going to work.
    Let it go.
    She's obviously very immature and this is quiet normal cause she's 16.
  43. Answers

    Don't put too much energie in this. Why not just...

    Don't put too much energie in this.
    Why not just go and say hello when he's online.So you will see if he answers or not.If not you just live your life and if yes you'll be happy!
    Good luck.
  44. Answers

    Hurting her by flirting?How? She's not even your...

    Hurting her by flirting?How? She's not even your girlfriend.She hurt you when she said she would like to be only friends.
    When you want to be friends you act like a friend that means you don't get...
  45. Answers

    Wow this looks great I'm very happy for you and...

    Wow this looks great I'm very happy for you and also it looks quiet natural from what I see. Not like other mono users.
    Good luck and be careful.
  46. Answers

    Don't forget lactic acid(from amazon) it really...

    Don't forget lactic acid(from amazon) it really works great as I said before.In my opinion it is a must have.;)
  47. OH I'm feeling very stupid right now:o I've just...

    OH I'm feeling very stupid right now:o I've just PM Nikki and she says she lives in the US boooh.
    I made a huge mistake and took her for another user whom I don't remember the name...
    So you'll...
  48. OK I just saw that you have only 6 posts and it...

    OK I just saw that you have only 6 posts and it isn't enough to pm someone.If you want I can pm her and then I'll post the website here when she will answer:)
  49. I think she took advantage of the fact that she...

    I think she took advantage of the fact that she knew you had feellings for her.I'm very sorry but this girl does not seem serious with you I think it was just a game for her.
    However you should not...
  50. Sorry but the guy is 38 and he's saying he needs...

    Sorry but the guy is 38 and he's saying he needs time to grow I think he's grown now don't you?
    I don't see how you can miss a guy like this.
    Maybe next time he will bring the girl in your bed and...
Results 1 to 50 of 283