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Type: Posts; User: Homegirl 50

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  1. Answers

    We have all felt regret about one thing or...

    We have all felt regret about one thing or another but there is nothing you can do about it now. You live and learn.
  2. Answers

    If you are not feeling well will they take you to...

    If you are not feeling well will they take you to the doctor?
    How is your relationship with your father?
  3. Answers

    You recieved a wonderful response from talaniman....

    You recieved a wonderful response from talaniman. I will just add when someone shows you who they are, believe it. There were many red flags and he told you many times how he felt and you looked...
  4. I would not think about it enough to interpret...

    I would not think about it enough to interpret it. He thinks you're cool?
  5. Answers

    He does not seem to be interested anymore. I...

    He does not seem to be interested anymore. I think you need to move on.
  6. Answers

    Don't waste your time or emotional energy on this...

    Don't waste your time or emotional energy on this guy. You are seeming way too eager and needy.Take some time to get over your break up. You should not jump into another relationship, especially with...
  7. Answers

    You two are still a bit attached and that will...

    You two are still a bit attached and that will not get easier as long as you are talking to and seeing each other. Make a clean break.
  8. Answers

    If he is not answering your text and you are...

    If he is not answering your text and you are seeing someone else, it means nothing is going on. Block him and move on.
  9. Answers

    Sounds like he is only interested in a friendship...

    Sounds like he is only interested in a friendship or friend with benefits. I think you did over react. You can apologize but do it not expecting things to change between you two. It's a friendship.
  10. He does not see you but you have inappropriate...

    He does not see you but you have inappropriate conversations. This needs to stop. The fact that you're asking should tell you something.
  11. Answers

    Yes it's possible. If you feel the need to ask...

    Yes it's possible. If you feel the need to ask the question, you know there is a problem with it. The man is married and you contribute to his emotional affair. Stop talking to him. Find something...
  12. You say you don't see the point in conversations...

    You say you don't see the point in conversations with him, stop having them. Tell him you don't think they are appropriate and stop. It's really that simple. You don't help a man cheat on his wife...
  13. Question: Please help!!

    by Homegirl 50

    If the girl is in a relationship with someone...

    If the girl is in a relationship with someone else you should back off. It's up to her to decide if the relationship will work.
  14. Answers

    She could like you as well or maybe she wants to...

    She could like you as well or maybe she wants to get to know you better
    Don't read anything into it, just have fun and see where it goes
  15. Answers

    You still want to say hi after he went through...

    You still want to say hi after he went through your phone?
    Why? You are sounding pretty desperate.
  16. Answers

    You should be asking him why he said/did these...

    You should be asking him why he said/did these things. He is the only one who knows
  17. I dont think you should have shown the post to...

    I dont think you should have shown the post to the other guy. What was the point? It should not matter what others think.
  18. What difference does it make. You guys are fwb....

    What difference does it make. You guys are fwb. You are not dating. If you want to know if this is jealousy, ask him.
    You keep reframing the same question looking for a different response.
  19. Answers

    That is something you need to ask him. You say he...

    That is something you need to ask him. You say he went through your phone, maybe he thinks he is not the only fwb. You two need to stop playing such juvenile games with each other.
  20. Well since there are feelings, maybe you should...

    Well since there are feelings, maybe you should tell him. He will either be ok with it or not care if you have feelings or not.
  21. You are in love with him and think you love...

    You are in love with him and think you love someone else? You have way too much drama going on. Instead of trying to figure his feelings out, you need to deal with your own. This is total disfunction.
  22. You are fwb. Maybe that includes he has freedom...

    You are fwb. Maybe that includes he has freedom with anything with you. If you don't say anything you are excusing that behavior. Ask him if he went through your phone and if he did, not to so it...
  23. And so what if he did go through your phone, what...

    And so what if he did go through your phone, what do you think it means? You need to ask him, not other people.
  24. Why don't you ask him what he meant. Nobody here...

    Why don't you ask him what he meant. Nobody here knows. It could be a random name. I think you are wanting someone to say he is jealous and maybe he does care for you. We can't say that because we...
  25. He does it because he is immature and spiteful,...

    He does it because he is immature and spiteful, and she should have not been "keeping it in the family" Why is she with him?
  26. Mabe they had things to talk about. It would be...

    Mabe they had things to talk about. It would be awkward for them to talk if he were in the back seat. I dont see a problem with it especially since they dont have a serious relationship. Who was in...
  27. If you know that is what they are doing, dont...

    If you know that is what they are doing, dont react. Why would you. He could be doing it to get a reaction out of you.
    It all sounds pretty immature.
  28. Sounds like a pretty reckless thing to do no...

    Sounds like a pretty reckless thing to do no matter what the reason. Does the reason matter?
  29. Answers

    Why don't you call each other and make plans for...

    Why don't you call each other and make plans for your next meeting. It is really not that difficult to do. Do you ever talk to each other aside from meeting up for sex?
  30. I have never understood playing games. I think...

    I have never understood playing games. I think people handle circumstances differently, they make good choices and bad ones. I would think people who play mind games with people are not worth your...
  31. The meme means nothing. It's basically what you...

    The meme means nothing. It's basically what you two do with each other. You keep looking for clues to tell you his feelings or intentions, when what you need to do is ask him. Sounds like you want...
  32. As long as you go along with all of this and...

    As long as you go along with all of this and never say any he thinks it's ok the way things are. He has no reason to be any different with you. You owe it to both of you to say what and ask what is...
  33. You are both old enough to know what you're...

    You are both old enough to know what you're doing. You said you are afraid of rejection. I think you are afraid to know where you stand with him. Deep down you already know, you just don't want to...
  34. Since you both are grandparents I would say you...

    Since you both are grandparents I would say you both are as little old to be playing games with each other. Ask him what it means, or are you afraid of what he might say.
  35. This whole situation is a bit much. As I see it...

    This whole situation is a bit much. As I see it you may feel more for him than he does for you. You two are Fwb. If it was anymore than that he was ask for it to be.
    You two may have known each...
  36. You said you guys are lovers. That is what the...

    You said you guys are lovers. That is what the hotel room was about. Sounds like that is all your relationship has been about.
    Perhaps you should ask him what you are to him.
  37. He seems a bit aggressive. He may like you. How...

    He seems a bit aggressive. He may like you. How old are you both?
  38. Question: help

    by Homegirl 50

    I say leave her alone. She does not want to be...

    I say leave her alone. She does not want to be bothered so don't bother her.
    How long have you known this girl and how old are the two of you?
  39. Answers

    It was probably the I love you

    It was probably the I love you
  40. Have you spoken to your parents about this? My...

    Have you spoken to your parents about this? My sister used to do that to me. I got a chest with a lock. There was no getting in. It is disrespectful and rude, it's not funny.
  41. Answers

    You don't try to win a married man's heart. You...

    You don't try to win a married man's heart. You leave him alone.
  42. Answers

    There are enough red flags here to let you know...

    There are enough red flags here to let you know there is a problem here. Leave him alone.
  43. Question: Bisexual?

    by Homegirl 50

    You said she is in your friend group. If you...

    You said she is in your friend group. If you pursue this will it mess up things in the group?
    You might want to make sure she is interested in you. Go for it but also be aware of the problems it may...
  44. Question: Bisexual?

    by Homegirl 50

    I'm wondering how old you are and when did you...

    I'm wondering how old you are and when did you start the one night stand thing
  45. Question: Family

    by Homegirl 50

    Do you have grandparents, aunt or uncles. Perhaps...

    Do you have grandparents, aunt or uncles. Perhaps you can tell a school counselor about what's going on.
    The next time the fighting gets physical, you might want to call the police. Have you tried...
  46. Answers

    It seems to me she is treating you like a friend...

    It seems to me she is treating you like a friend which is what you are. Accept her friendship and find a girlfriend elsewhere. She is not confusing, she is not being what you would like her to be to...
  47. Question: Relation

    by Homegirl 50

    You should leave him alone especially since he...

    You should leave him alone especially since he has shown no sigh that he even likes you and he already has a girlfriend. How old are you. You may have a hard crush and a crush and love are two...
  48. Question: What to do?

    by Homegirl 50

    You do nothing This is between him and his...

    You do nothing This is between him and his mother.
    How old are you two?
  49. Question: People

    by Homegirl 50

    I agree with talaniman. You can make friend with...

    I agree with talaniman. You can make friend with people in whatever clubs you may be in, do you talk to your classmates?
  50. It could mean you are wanting to finally meet...

    It could mean you are wanting to finally meet them, you're anxious about it
Results 1 to 50 of 500