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Type: Posts; User: SBohds

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  1. Answers

    I am sorry for the confusion-I didn't mean to be...

    I am sorry for the confusion-I didn't mean to be misleading. The question about the age was a question I had wanted to ask a few moths ago. I agree that I am obsessed and it scares me. You must be...
  2. Answers

    Yes, we are not together now,and its weird-as...

    Yes, we are not together now,and its weird-as much as I knew it would never work out I got used to it. She wanted to marry me-thought I was her soul mate. I feel bad for leading her on, but didn't...
  3. Answers

    Yeah, I wish I had the maturity to have realized...

    Yeah, I wish I had the maturity to have realized this sooner. All too often I don't think things through
  4. Answers

    I like the way she... Doesn't let small...

    I like the way she...
    Doesn't let small obstacles in life break her down
    Wants to go to Africa and help
    Writes songs
    Encourages me in anything I wish to do
    Won't let me get out of bed without...
  5. Unless I am doing something unconsciously, I...

    Unless I am doing something unconsciously, I would rather not see her right now. This is a place where I have been going for a number of years. Probably my mistake to have started seeing someone...
  6. Why does she freak out when she sees me?

    Perhaps I am just clue less here. When she did break up with me we hung out now and then trying to be friends. We both still had strong feelings for each other Of course I wanted to repair things. ...
  7. Question: Harsh Breakup

    by SBohds

    Well, I would still call him and explain. I am...

    Well, I would still call him and explain. I am sure his brother was just trying to protect him. But, explain about the peer pressure and all that and ask for forgiveness.
  8. Question: She Cheated On Me

    by SBohds

    Did her ex dump her-this might explain why she...

    Did her ex dump her-this might explain why she went back to him-anyway, it sucks-i know-but think what it would be like if you were still with her. She lied and cheated on numerous occasions-that...
  9. Answers

    Wow, sounds like you still really care. Well,...

    Wow, sounds like you still really care. Well, she has low self esteemand has turned to drugs to cope. Her behavior sounds typical of someone who is an addict. Evasive, confusing-a little weird. ...
  10. Question: Break up

    by SBohds

    I don't think there is anyway to NOT hurt him. ...

    I don't think there is anyway to NOT hurt him. He feels rejected and is sacrificing his dignity to get you back. I wouldn't answer the phone when he calls. That would be a start.
  11. Answers

    In my opinion,because you are seemingly doing...

    In my opinion,because you are seemingly doing well-even if you aren't inside she may be trying to make you jealous. First of all, she is going out with a guy who used to hit on her a lot-most women...
  12. I am curious as to whether his behvior has...

    I am curious as to whether his behvior has changed in other areas of his life. Is he getting into arguments at work, family, etc? Is he disinterested in other things? The reason I ask is that he...
  13. Question: Harsh Breakup

    by SBohds

    I would just contact him and explain. I am sure...

    I would just contact him and explain. I am sure he is wondering. I don't understand the brother's role in this, but if it does't come from you it doesn't really matter. Anyway, he is probably the...
  14. Answers

    Whatever reason someone comes up with to break up...

    Whatever reason someone comes up with to break up never seems quite right. My ex dumped me because I relapsed over the thanksgiving holiday-sure I was a mess but I sobered up. I am not even sure...
  15. Question: Regret break up

    by SBohds

    I believe if you are still in contact with your...

    I believe if you are still in contact with your ex, communication is the best. Why sit around and wonder? If you placed a bet on all the fearful scenarios that move around in your mind you'd...
  16. Well, I think it would be easier not to see her. ...

    Well, I think it would be easier not to see her. But, I would rather deal with it than change my routine. I do not go there to see her.
  17. Why is she uncomfortable, she broke it off with me?

    I met her at a coffee shop where I was hanging out and I have many friends there. She broke up with me because I relapsed, other than that things were great-so she says. According to her I was her...
Results 1 to 17 of 17