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Type: Posts; User: honeybun35

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  1. But why is it the single person's fault and not...

    But why is it the single person's fault and not the married guy? The married guy plays a role too. Why should single female leave that person alone and not the other way around
  2. OK I see. Was just trying figure out how helps a...

    OK I see. Was just trying figure out how helps a guy my thinking about another woman while sleeping with his wife. Gotcha thanks
  3. I know it don't but that was the question so...

    I know it don't but that was the question so wanted an answer. that was the reason for the question. Even if it don't matter.
  4. the female is not doing it to make it better the...

    the female is not doing it to make it better the husband is using her and she doesn't know it. The other woman not trying to help him .I am saying the man has no intentions on any sexual needs with...
  5. Why would I ask wife like you said it's behind...

    Why would I ask wife like you said it's behind her back.the question I think was misunderstood.i don't mean the other woman doing it to help the marriage cause she want saying by her having...
  6. Isn't that making their marriage better anyway?...

    Isn't that making their marriage better anyway? Why would he be thinking of me if he's sexting his own wife
  7. But it's all entertainment it's nothing.hes doing...

    But it's all entertainment it's nothing.hes doing it to have better sex or to get hard for her
  8. Falls for what? Ok so you're saying the guy is...

    Falls for what?

    Ok so you're saying the guy is texting her because he really want to? I don't think you understand question
  9. I don't think you understand what I meant. The...

    I don't think you understand what I meant. The guy is not interested in the other female at all and the wife doesn't know it. I am saying when female is having emotional affair with a married man...
  10. Will a married man sex life be better if he have sex conversations with another woman

    I was just told that talking to someone married is helping them with their marriage.
    Men only do it for the attention and this way when they get in bed with their wife they could have good sex. It...
  11. but I make good money I make handmade soaps. He...

    but I make good money I make handmade soaps. He does massage and is certified.
  12. Should I buy my dream house so a guy could move in?

    Moving to a new location because of a job is scary. Especially if your grown 2 kids don't want to go with you. Moving 6 hours further from my children and 2 grands. After renting for a yr. I want to...
  13. thanks.. would pepper spray and a taser be wise...

    thanks.. would pepper spray and a taser be wise as well?
  14. What should a female do to keep safe from human trafficking?

    The main thing you see on social media and trending on the news is human trafficking. Need some options on what to carry if someone is trying to come near me. I heard of the sting gun and pepper...
  15. Answers

    How do you handle a narcissistic co-worker?

    I have a co-worker who is an only child and been working at same company for about 20 yrs. She is the type of person who automatically believes everything is hers and owed to her only.She always...
  16. oh really? how not sure I just felt cause I'm on...

    oh really? how not sure I just felt cause I'm on phone it's green. I will check it.

  17. Easily there's people I see all the time that is...

    Easily there's people I see all the time that is never logged off. Not sure if you are on Facebook or Instagram but the green dot shows. If he is someone I communicate with on a regular for yrs and I...
  18. It would but as stated in the above because it's...

    It would but as stated in the above because it's on my cell phone I am always logged on so that day was no different then the others.
  19. Why would a guy who's not interested in a female notice she's online?

    My friend whom I have been going back and forth about noticed I guess I was online.
    Which is strange because on Facebook I am on all the time since it's on my phone. Well late Friday which was 1am...
  20. Answers

    what does perfect have to do with the above? My...

    what does perfect have to do with the above? My stories are far from perfect. We are talking about being wrong about the guy who said anything about me being perfect have nothing to do with that...
  21. right see what I mean and I know this person I...

    right see what I mean and I know this person I can't see them doing that neither
  22. so you would do that as well keep in touch with...

    so you would do that as well keep in touch with an ex just so you could feel wanted and keep up with this for like yrs and yrs?
  23. Answers

    why must I be wrong ?

    why must I be wrong ?
  24. Is it a good idea to ask someone who likes you for relationship advice?

    Why is it when you go a man for male advice and he's the one that always like you they will never say that your situation is good or will make it as the guy don't care or really like you. Not saying...
  25. so It have nothing to do with the female?

    so It have nothing to do with the female?
  26. Answers

    um I could be wrong about what?

    um I could be wrong about what?
  27. Answers

    I know but i am speaking of man in general. Woman...

    I know but i am speaking of man in general. Woman show theirs it comes out all the time. Why would man pretend not to be jealous but you could tell that they are?
  28. ok I was married before ad the person I was...

    ok I was married before ad the person I was married too loved attention and I can't even see this person keeping up with someone for many yrs just to feel wanted. crazy
  29. so that would be the reason they would keep the...

    so that would be the reason they would keep the communication for yrs just for that? Isn't that a waste of time?
  30. Answers

    How do men hide their feelings?

    Is it true that some men do have feelings for a female but choose to hide them? If so I am looking for some of the actions that they do when they are hiding their feelings. Even if it a guy that...
  31. Would a man go through all the trouble keeping in contact with an ex for attention?

    This actually was a conversation at work. They say many guys crave for attention. One said when a guy is in contact with a woman he has dated he feels wanted so makes him feel good. Even if it has...
  32. I put an end to it

    I put an end to it
  33. no because we have been friends for 30 yrs and...

    no because we have been friends for 30 yrs and have an ongoing communication.
  34. Answers

    How should I respond?

    I told my friend that I don't even want him sexually especially because of all the game playing. He inbox me saying I do want it baby. I don't want to play this game another 5 yrs.He never goes out...
  35. I did I text him I don't even want it no more you...

    I did I text him I don't even want it no more you play to many games.i was just looking for an answer as to why...😧
  36. Should I be upset that my male friend?

    My friend didn't contact me while he was in town until the night before he was leaving. He up a game as if he wanted to see me the previous night but really didn't try to see me.Wasted so much time....
  37. Why did my friend even bother to contact me if he didn't want to see me?

    Ok my friend did contact me last night. I wasn't going to even reply back to him if he had of done that after today. The only reason that I hit him back is because I knew that he was in town and that...
  38. Answers

    I agree a follow up coming

    I agree a follow up coming
  39. He's not cheating he's an ex but we've been...

    He's not cheating he's an ex but we've been friends 30 yrs and have mutual friends.he doesn't even see me.
  40. Answers

    Stop what

    Stop what
  41. No just bored at work I'm very busy.why when he's...

    No just bored at work I'm very busy.why when he's an old friend.
  42. Answers

    Emotional affair with a ln ex

    Is it possible to have an emotional affair with someone you already been intimate with? Everyone claims I am having an emotional affair with a man I already had sex with.Old friends of 30 yrs.
  43. Office... can it be emotional...

    Office... can it be emotional affair we already had sex in past
  44. But emotional affair is non sex right? We had sex...

    But emotional affair is non sex right? We had sex kn past
  45. I do it cuz im bored at work

    I do it cuz im bored at work
  46. How it's not doing anything for me

    How it's not doing anything for me
  47. How is it little sense

    How is it little sense
  48. Ok .he act jealous

    Ok .he act jealous
  49. Answers

    How Wasting time by stopping...

    How Wasting time by stopping pleasure cause him .I am dealing w someone
  50. I know but I wanted know why he'd waste time....

    I know but I wanted know why he'd waste time. Hatting all these yrs
Results 1 to 50 of 231