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Type: Posts; User: ahiinc

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  1. Fuel door on 97 Continental does not spring open.

    The fuel door relay works but the spring that pops the fuel door open is no longer functional or is missing. I'm not sure what to look for or where to find this detail.
  2. Answers

    Fuel door release spring on a Mitsubishi Lancer

    After removing the gas cap a spring loaded clip fell from the hinge of the fuel cover. I have the clip but can't figure out where it goes and how it attaches. I am looking for a detailed picture to...
  3. Answers

    [QUOTE=Credendovidis]Hello Steve ! Please do a...

    [QUOTE=Credendovidis]Hello Steve !

    Please do a small test :

    1 - disconnect the wires to the switch.

    2 - wait 30 seconds.

    3 - short the two wires for one second and release again.
  4. If EVERY valve in the home has low pressure I...

    If EVERY valve in the home has low pressure I would suspect the main valve you turned off. Opening and closing this valve may have freed up some corrosion which jammed inside the primary gate valve...
  5. Answers

    Doorbell troubleshooting

    I just replaced a working push-button switch at the front of my home (there is a working rear switch as well). It was very old and unreliable. The new switch was a lighted switch. When first wired...
Results 1 to 5 of 5