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Type: Posts; User: Romefalls19

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  1. Can you be a little bit more descriptive? It's...

    Can you be a little bit more descriptive? It's tough to go on so little around here. Relationships are extremely fragile things, they end for all sorts of reasons. The best you can do is just move...
  2. Answers

    You have to do the only thing that you can do,...

    You have to do the only thing that you can do, respect her wishes. I know it's tough and we have all been there. You have invested so much time into the relationship, it feels like a part of you is...
  3. Well seeing as how I have only been married for a...

    Well seeing as how I have only been married for a few months, I would say that an open line of communication outside of the bedroom leads to a more active role inside the bed room. You can't expect...
  4. Answers

    She's over there with another guy, there is no...

    She's over there with another guy, there is no denying that. She saw she was losing you, shed a few croc tears and had you tripping over her again. I bet if you text her and say "this is done. I...
  5. Answers

    Don't push, you screwed up. Without trust you...

    Don't push, you screwed up. Without trust you cannot have a relationship. Give it time for things to settle, you keep picking at scabs it's never going to heal. If she wants to get back with you,...
  6. Answers

    What about a romantic getaway? Or pretending to...

    What about a romantic getaway? Or pretending to meet at a bar and take the other home as if it's the first time you've met?
  7. Open the lines of communication and talk to him...

    Open the lines of communication and talk to him about how you feel. That's the biggest problem with relationships, not being able to talk to the other about what is bothering them.
  8. Only he knows, but don't let Facebook get your...

    Only he knows, but don't let Facebook get your hopes either up or let it bother you. It's not worth it.
  9. You stop the cycle, explain to her she can't have...

    You stop the cycle, explain to her she can't have it both ways. It's either all or nothing and go from there
  10. Answers


  11. So let me get this straight. You chose to leave...

    So let me get this straight. You chose to leave him, you keep asking about a female he met because if you can't have him, no one can? He denies it being serious, and once he does say it's serious...
  12. Wow, haven't you always heard curiosity killed...

    Wow, haven't you always heard curiosity killed the cat. If you didn't want to hear the worst case scenario of the possible outcome, then don't ask the question. You have a lot of growing up to do,...
  13. Honestly, in these days, I'd just give him your...

    Honestly, in these days, I'd just give him your number and tell him to call you sometime to meet up for drinks. There was definite chemistry, now just take some control and slip him your number.
  14. Answers

    I know in my state(NJ) they can because you...

    I know in my state(NJ) they can because you violated the court agreement of probation. I know this because I had a friend who did the same thing. Caught a plea deal, thought he was fine, smoked the...
  15. Answers

    Wow and you bought that sorry excuse? How many...

    Wow and you bought that sorry excuse? How many more lines are you going to swallow from him?
  16. You satisfied your curiosity, now hopefully you...

    You satisfied your curiosity, now hopefully you can finally move past this and give up on this clown.
  17. Answers

    Why do you feel you owe her an explanation on why...

    Why do you feel you owe her an explanation on why you are doing the things you are? You don't owe her anything, trust me. I've been down your road
  18. Who is having trouble dealing with it?

    Who is having trouble dealing with it?
  19. Answers

    I'd be long go on the first train out. He uses...

    I'd be long go on the first train out. He uses people, thinks what he did is no big deal because she was drunk, oh well. He plays with people's emotions. He deserves a broken jaw
  20. Answers

    I'd sit him down and ask, what is making you...

    I'd sit him down and ask, what is making you unhappy
  21. Nope, sorry all sales final

    Nope, sorry all sales final
  22. Since it's you, I can set you up with Ron Jeremy....

    Since it's you, I can set you up with Ron Jeremy. We got a deal

    ::Terms and conditions subject to change. Famous person not guaranteed to date long term or show up breathing::
  23. For just $9.99 I can set you up with a celebrity....

    For just $9.99 I can set you up with a celebrity.

    On a real note, you should focus on making real friends. Don't get caught up in what you think someone is
  24. Answers

    Just give it time and you will start to feel...

    Just give it time and you will start to feel better. There is no magic pill
  25. Answers

    You need to get him to open up because it could...

    You need to get him to open up because it could be so many different problems. Being tired, stressed or overworked are just the beginning
  26. Answers

    Wow tit for tat about the past BEFORE you were...

    Wow tit for tat about the past BEFORE you were together. Sounds like you just like the drama of arguing to be honest. Let it go, it's in the past
  27. You have to just be honest with him, and start...

    You have to just be honest with him, and start being a 10 year old instead of pretending to be a 15 year old
  28. Answers

    Just write it out, then go back through it and...

    Just write it out, then go back through it and decide what you want to add or take out. Writing a letter is always hard but just give it a lot of thought
  29. Exactly, if you think they are at risk of doing...

    Exactly, if you think they are at risk of doing it again and are serial molestors, sentence them to it for good. Don't sit there give the guy 5 years, he does his 5 years and then say "Just kidding,...
  30. I agree, this is such a slippery slope to be...

    I agree, this is such a slippery slope to be going down
  31. Answers

    What was the reason for the break up?

    What was the reason for the break up?
  32. Keeping sexual predators after they served their sentences

    Supreme Court: Sex offenders can be held indefinitely – This Just In - Blogs

    How does everyone feel about this one?
  33. Answers

    Eh I'd be a little worried too. There has to be...

    Eh I'd be a little worried too. There has to be a reason for her to be acting this way about wanting you to stay home. Other partners are going, but she doesn't want you to go. I'd confront and...
  34. Answers

    Trust me, don't spend time trying to understand...

    Trust me, don't spend time trying to understand what he says or has said, it is like banging your head into a brick wall. It just hurts, continue on the NC path and soon you will hurt less and less...
  35. Answers

    If he wants to walk, let him. Nothing you can do...

    If he wants to walk, let him. Nothing you can do to stop him, and why would you want too?
  36. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make...

    You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. You have done all you can, now it's time to cut the losses
  37. First thing, get back on your feet. Don't worry...

    First thing, get back on your feet. Don't worry about the girl until you can take care of yourself. She wants this break, and by the way you tell it, she doesn't even know if she wants this...
  38. Answers

    She is just someone you work with, no longer a...

    She is just someone you work with, no longer a fling or anything of the sort. You both had fun, she had enough of it and decided to pursue different avenues. It's life, let it go
  39. Answers

    Ignore her until you heal, don't unhash these...

    Ignore her until you heal, don't unhash these wounds, trust me
  40. Answers

    Don't sit around and wait for him, the...

    Don't sit around and wait for him, the relationship simply did not work. Chemistry is only half the battle, it takes a lot more than that.
  41. Answers

    Tell her exactly how you feel, she expressed her...

    Tell her exactly how you feel, she expressed her feelings now you do the same. Explain that it wasn't just for sex, why does she feel that way?
  42. Answers

    You have to decide if you can't forget the past. ...

    You have to decide if you can't forget the past. You cannot change it. Is it something in your religion that doesn't allow a relationship after pre-marital sex has happened?
  43. Answers

    I wouldn't have given him a second chance, I...

    I wouldn't have given him a second chance, I don't do second chances. He is already screwing things up and falling into the old pattern. I'd talk to him and tell him it won't be tolerated and if it...
  44. Answers

    First to get over him, you have to get away from...

    First to get over him, you have to get away from him. How do you expect to get better when the person causing the pain, you keep around?
  45. Answers

    Here's what my dad told me when I was in my last...

    Here's what my dad told me when I was in my last relationship and kept trying to salvage it, If you're trying this hard, it's not working.
  46. Answers

    Think about positive things man, I've been down...

    Think about positive things man, I've been down your road before. It's a dead end. Suicide is the most selfish way to go, you affect too many people, and all over a girl? Come on man, have some...
  47. Answers

    If you're talking about suicide, that is...

    If you're talking about suicide, that is definitely not the answer
  48. Answers

    Sounds like this relationship has run it's...

    Sounds like this relationship has run it's course, if she isn't giving you the emotional support you need right now, perhaps she isn't worth keeping around. Try one last time to sit down and talk...
  49. My mom and my ex(from over two years ago) still...

    My mom and my ex(from over two years ago) still talk, almost on a daily basis. Her grand mother just died so she is flying up from Florida today and she is going to breakfast with my mom. So I...
  50. Your boat was just a small tour, you need to dock...

    Your boat was just a small tour, you need to dock this ship and find a new one. No way should you be bored that quickly into a relationship
Results 1 to 50 of 500