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Type: Posts; User: Singact02

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  1. Betty... WAIT!! If you are not 100% sure you are...

    Betty... WAIT!! If you are not 100% sure you are ready then you are not ready at all. The above posts are right, birth control can fail and is not 100% proof. There are other ways aside from the...
  2. Hey dude, Just give her space. Let her have time....

    Hey dude, Just give her space. Let her have time. When people break up (or get broken up with) in more specific they can't help but concentrate more on the good times than the bad, so it makes them...
  3. Answers

    World War II Movie.


    There is an older movie, its about a World War II military unit. This team is going through Germany and they come...
  4. Can someone tell me the title of this movie?

    There is an older movie, its about a World War II military unit. This team is going through Germany and they come upon a train yard. The sniper within the military group is assigned to asassinate a...
Results 1 to 4 of 4