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Type: Posts; User: slapshot_oi

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  1. Answers

    The bottom line is whatever the OP's mother is up...

    The bottom line is whatever the OP's mother is up to is causing the OP stress. Telling the OP "it's none of your business" and "not to stir up trouble" is AWFUL advice. A parent is someone a child...
  2. ERROR: You must spread some Reputation around...

    ERROR: You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to odinn7 again.

    Odinn7 nailed it. You're husband is a bonehead. He needs to understand that his fantasies aren't necessarily yours....
  3. Answers

    It most definitely is her business. She is part...

    It most definitely is her business. She is part of the family.

    emogirlheart never once said anything about preventing divorce.

    Be proactive and do what emogirlheart said about confronting your...
  4. It sounds to me the root of the problem is a fear...

    It sounds to me the root of the problem is a fear of the unknown. You feel you're at a disadvantage because your boyfriend knows this area well and you don't. The clear solution is to make this new...
  5. Because she wants to be wanted by you and her...

    Because she wants to be wanted by you and her boyfriend. She knows that sending you a short note will cause you to think about her, and potentially contact her.

    Don't be fooled, she doesn't...
  6. Answers

    Going off what odinn7 said, he most likely...

    Going off what odinn7 said, he most likely blocked you because he found (or already had) a girlfriend in Germany.

    Forget about him and move on. Date someone locally.

    And don't contact his...
  7. Answers

    Juicing can be a balanced diet. A smoothie made...

    Juicing can be a balanced diet. A smoothie made of greens, fruits, seeds (like flaxseed), and whey protein isolate is a perfect meal replacement. In fact, because some of the hormones that American...
  8. It seems you want copies out of spite because the...

    It seems you want copies out of spite because the first fight you had with her was over a picture of an ex.
    It wasn't a sudden change. Two months into the relationship you picked a fight and...
  9. Answers

    Is this a finite, long-distance relationship, or...

    Is this a finite, long-distance relationship, or an online-relationship?
  10. Answers

    You need to get out of this relationship and stay...

    You need to get out of this relationship and stay single for a while.

    Even if your sex life with your boyfriend was great and he was handsome, loyal, and super attracted to you, I would still...
  11. Do not tell your friend. You won't be friends...

    Do not tell your friend. You won't be friends anymore if you do that.

    This is a classic example of temptation, you must learn to resist.
  12. I'm echoing what Chuck said. Suggest a specific...

    I'm echoing what Chuck said. Suggest a specific time and activity:

    "I'm free this Thursday night, would you like to get together for dinner"?

    If he doesn't respond, or says no and doesn't offer...
  13. Answers

    Seek help from a third-party. This could be...

    Seek help from a third-party. This could be YouTube, a free seminar, or worst case scenario (because they're expensive) a councilor. It's possible that if he hears it from someone else he'll start...
  14. Answers

    Who cares if he's a sociopath? He's bad news,...

    Who cares if he's a sociopath? He's bad news, stay away from him and move on with your life.
  15. Answers

    People: "You've never had a boyfriend?!" You:...

    People: "You've never had a boyfriend?!"
    You: "Ya. What of it?"
    People: "It's juss, I dunno."
    You: "K. Peace."

    Walk away. Done.
  16. I understand your position, I too would be...

    I understand your position, I too would be suspicious of my girlfriend if I found out she was texting a random guy incessantly.

    Fear not, it is possible that your wife's intentions are innocent...
  17. Answers

    100% agree with Oliver. Tried to one-up that...

    100% agree with Oliver. Tried to one-up that post, but I was denied.

    You need to understand that she is your ex for a reason.

    He deserves a new girlfriend. There are no excuses for cheating....
  18. Answers

    I failed to mention that your relationship with...

    I failed to mention that your relationship with Chris is a rebound. You started dating him immediately after you were left on the alter. I can't imagine how that feels. Needless to say, you need to...
  19. Answers

    Don't kid yourself. You clearly care if your ex...

    Don't kid yourself. You clearly care if your ex knows about your relationship with Chris. If you actually didn't care, then you wouldn't have minded when Chris told his coworkers about you.

  20. Answers

    You still "love" an former summer fling from...

    You still "love" an former summer fling from three years ago? You have a boyfriend of a year and a half and you still need the internet to tell you what to do? Come back to planet Earth, cut the...
  21. Web developer here. Considering the core of your...

    Web developer here. Considering the core of your desired application is just a scheduler, your best option is to find (and if all else fails, create) a web interface for Google Calendar.

    The extra...
  22. Question: Confused?

    by slapshot_oi

    You are not the problem. Your fiancé's...

    You are not the problem.

    Your fiancé's behavior is really odd; he's clearly suffering from depression.

    Why he would ask you to marry him if he won't support you or sleep in the same bed with...
  23. Answers

    You lied about your salary because your...

    You lied about your salary because your girlfriend made you uncomfortable when she asked how much you bring home. Your girlfriend should not make you uncomfortable; something is wrong here.
  24. Answers

    First and foremost, you ought to ask this girl...

    First and foremost, you ought to ask this girl out no matter what. If she asks about your finances, be honest. If she doesn't like what she hears, then to hell with her; it's her loss.

  25. Leave them both alone. You're rebounding from the...

    Leave them both alone. You're rebounding from the last relationship. I know this because you admitted to your "fear of rejection".

    If you were at ease, rejection wouldn't bother you, because you...
  26. Answers

    You're not. Your gut is telling you that...

    You're not. Your gut is telling you that something is wrong. If she is truly interested, then she will make time for you.

    My advice: mirror her moves. When she is distant, you be distant. When she...
  27. You already expressed your discontent and she...

    You already expressed your discontent and she still continues to talk to this guy, which means, you're going to continue to worry so long as you're dating her.

    It sounds like you want a serious...
  28. Answers

    You're boyfriend sounds like a nutjob. It's clear...

    You're boyfriend sounds like a nutjob. It's clear he doesn't support you.

    Keep the Nuvaring and drop the boyfriend.
  29. Answers

    I am. I'm a natural introvert, but I go through...

    I am. I'm a natural introvert, but I go through phases which I force myself to be extroverted so I can meet new folks. The last time I forced myself into extroversion I created and account on OKCupid...
  30. Answers

    I am convinced she walked away because you...

    I am convinced she walked away because you brought up sex. Your virginity has absolutely nothing to do with it. The fact that you made it known that you were expecting sex turned her off immediately....
  31. Question:

    by slapshot_oi

    Read the manual for the router.

    Read the manual for the router.
  32. Are you actually friends with benefits, or do you...

    Are you actually friends with benefits, or do you have feelings for this guy? Because in a true FWB situation, this question would not even be raised.

    You sound like a really fun person.
  33. Yes. That's why we preach "no contact" all over...

    Yes. That's why we preach "no contact" all over this website.

    Stop reaching out to her. Block her on Facebook. Erase her from your memory so you can get out of this negative funk.
  34. Answers

    Don't do anything; he's not your boyfriend...

    Don't do anything; he's not your boyfriend anymore.

    Stop talking to him.
  35. Answers

    You got it, time heals all. Everyone heals at...

    You got it, time heals all. Everyone heals at different speeds. Takes me 9 months to get over an ex.

    Make sure you do not contact this guy anymore. Out of sight, out of mind.
  36. Answers

    Fair enough, I'll provide advice... forget about...

    Fair enough, I'll provide advice... forget about him and move on.

    You were just a girl on the side from the beginning. At best, you were a rebound from a failing relationship, and, at worst, he...
  37. If you're absolutely sure she doesn't know the...

    If you're absolutely sure she doesn't know the cause of her anxiety, and if she's on birth control, I'd look there. Birth control could be affecting her hormones to the point where it causes weird...
  38. This is terrible advice! To lovepolis: you're...

    This is terrible advice!

    To lovepolis: you're on the rebound, don't tell Guy A damn thing.

    Because your relationship with Guy B was poor, you played the hypothetical game and, in your mind, you...
  39. Answers

    From what I read: there is this guy who had a...

    From what I read: there is this guy who had a long distance relationship. He meets you. You guys hit it off and fool around. Then one day he goes back to the ol' GF and you're left heartbroken. Was...
  40. Question: Cheating..

    by slapshot_oi

    Realistically, there's no way for a relationship...

    Realistically, there's no way for a relationship to recover from cheating. Your relationship will be a source of stress and worry instead of a trustworthy partnership. I would break up with her and...
  41. Answers

    No no no... you've have this all wrong. He's not...

    No no no... you've have this all wrong. He's not causing any damage, you're doing this to yourself.

    You have access to his phone and you and didn't find evidence of infidelity, but, you still...
  42. There is no indication of a rocky relationship....

    There is no indication of a rocky relationship. Your boyfriend just has a lot of stressors in his life, none of which stem from you, and he doesn't know how to end them or when. That will drive...
  43. No. First, you never had a true relationship...


    First, you never had a true relationship because you never trusted her.

    Don't confuse extreme jealousy with care and love. Boyfriends, girlfriends, even parents make this mistake.

  44. Answers

    Why not combine the two? Get a LED Smart TV. ...

    Why not combine the two? Get a LED Smart TV.

    First; there's no advantage to buying a regular LCD over an LED LCD TV other than price difference.

    Second; although marketed heavily, refresh rates...
  45. Well you've been dating him for two years, is...

    Well you've been dating him for two years, is this unusual behavior for him or has he always been this way?

    This can be played two ways: either he's unaffectionate, or you're not understanding.
  46. Never. If there was emotional attachment, even if...

    Never. If there was emotional attachment, even if I had gotten over my ex, I still keep my distance. Because I can never be 100% sure they are over me.
  47. No one can provide relationship advice because...

    No one can provide relationship advice because you two didn't have an actual relationship.

    You're likely correct, she probably neglected to tell you about this guy because she's dating him.
  48. Okay, so there's a solution to your problem....

    Okay, so there's a solution to your problem. Likely for the short-term only, but it's still a solution.

    You will be unable to increase his libido if you don't know the reason behind his behavior....
  49. So this is the only concrete evidence that...

    So this is the only concrete evidence that "something is missing". Relax. Nothing is missing, it's just that you two created a nightly phone-call routine and ran out of stuff to say.

    Only call him...
  50. My suggestion is to work on making friends before...

    My suggestion is to work on making friends before even thinking about losing your virginity.

    Since you admit to having a small group a friends

    That question can't be answered because it...
Results 1 to 50 of 500