New Member
Sep 14, 2005, 08:32 AM
Six Steps of Scientific Method
What are the six steps of the scientific method?
Full Member
Jan 29, 2006, 05:31 PM
Thank you for taking the time to post your question on the Ask Me Help Desk!
The scientific method is an organized way of helping us better understand the world around us.
Unfortunately, although just about every science text will talk about the scientific method, many of them talk about it a bit differently. This can cause some confusion as students progress through their educational careers.
I try to emphasize to my students the importance of the process and depending on the age level of the students, I will provide as many or as few steps as it will take for students to understand the procedure.
I actually give seven steps for my freshman classes.
1. State the problem
2. Research the problem
3. State the hypothesis
4. Test the hypothesis
5. Analyze the results
6. State the conclusion
7. Repeat the work
It is also important to understand that not every experiment will support a hypothesis but may reveal new questions that need to be answered.
My upper level classes focus on three parts.
1. Identify the problem
2. Hypothesize
3. Experiment
The other aspects are still talked about and are no less important but we simply focus on those areas. Keep in mind, though, that they have already visited the scientific method in my freshman classes in greater detail.
I hope that this information was helpful.
New Member
Jun 25, 2007, 05:42 AM
thank you for your nice answer...
New Member
Nov 21, 2007, 08:42 PM
The steps to the scientific method are hard to remember.Im in middle school myself well here they are
1.state the problem
2.collect information
3.form a hypothesis
4.test the hypothesis
5.observe/record and analyze data
6.state the conclusion
7.repeat again
:) hope I helped you
Ultra Member
Aug 28, 2008, 01:44 PM
Scientists don't really follow the scientific method in the way it's taught in school.
They become curious about something. They watch for a while (observe and gather information) and then form a specific question they want to answer. They guess an answer (form a hypothesis) and then think of a way to test the truth of that hypothesis (do an experiment or gather other data). The idea of an experiment is to try to prove your own hypothesis wrong, or "disprove" it. Or sometimes you do it the other way. You say the opposite of what you think is true and try to prove that's not true.
Let's say I was watching bears eating in a meadow and I thought they were eating grass. I would say "bears eat grass." That's my hypothesis. Then I have to be specific. Do I mean all bears always eat grass? Or do I mean only that some bears sometimes eat grass? I have to decide what I really mean before I can test the hypothesis. So let's say I decide that all bears always eat grass. In that case, I only have to find one bear eating berries to disprove my hypothesis. So I realize it's wrong because the next day I observe a bear eating berries.
How can I find out if some bears sometimes eat grass? I have to watch a lot of bears really closely. I could also look at their scat (Yuck!) to see if there are signs of grass that would show they ate grass.
And by the way, black bears do sometimes eat grass. They also eat berries, ants, termites, yellow jackets (a kind of wasp), and all kinds of other things, even a dish towel!
New Member
Mar 8, 2009, 03:07 PM
Six simple steps:{not in order}problem,hypothesis,procedures,materials,conc lusion,results
New Member
Jun 13, 2009, 02:45 AM
Can you define each of this for me?
I can't totally understand..
1. State the problem
2. Research the problem
3. State the hypothesis
4. Test the hypothesis
5. Analyze the results
6. State the conclusion
7. Repeat the work
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