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Demand for ultrasound tech
[ 5 Answers ]
Hi I was thinking about going to school for ultrasound technician but I wanted to find out first what the demand is for that career... like is it going to be hard for me to find a job?. I don't want to waste 2 years of school on something I'm not going to find a job for... so if anybody knows...
Rude Ultrasound Tech
[ 10 Answers ]
:mad: Hi all, I just need to vent... I'm 20 weeks and 3 days pregnant, and I've only had 2 ultrasounds.. My first one was at a separate clinic when I was only 8 and a half weeks and they told me my due date was christmas day but the hospital I am going to for my pregnancy has never given me a...
Ultrasound and conception
[ 1 Answers ]
When you go for an ultrasound and they tell you e.g. 18 weeks and 1 day... do you count back from that day 18 weeks and one day? Is the date given here your conception date or do you have to take off two weeks I am getting confused with all this
Ultrasound ?s
[ 19 Answers ]
Hi I am 16 weeks pregnant with my third child and they did an ultrasound but to early to find out what it is now I don't go to the docs until I'm 20 weeks but I really want to know are they any way to tell I got 2 boys so if this is a girl I need to get prepared for it what should I do??
Getting an ultrasound.
[ 2 Answers ]
Is there a way that you can go some place just to get an u/s? I really like my doctor and I don't want to go behind his back, but he only does an u/s at 20weeks. I'm 12 weeks and there is a possibility I might be having twins and I would really like to know for sure. I don't know if I can go to an... View more questions Search