New Member
Jun 7, 2012, 09:13 PM
I want a python but my girlfriend gets pissed
I really want a python, but my girlfriend says NO! I thought about it and I dobt think its OK for her to tell me what I can't have. She says its been disrespectful by doing so knowing she's scared to death. I replied I would keep it away from her and would not keep it in our bedroom nor would I taunt her at all! She still is very upset and I think its so petty... What should I do? Oh and she said snakes are the devil... WTH!!
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Jun 7, 2012, 09:17 PM
What would you feed your python? Have you read up on a python's care and housing needs?
New Member
Jun 7, 2012, 09:20 PM
 Originally Posted by Wondergirl
What would you feed your python? Have you read up on a python's care and housing needs?
I'm doing all of my research before I get one. I would feed it mice to begin with and I know it needs a heat lamp and an enclosure and certain things you do and don't do like holding certain way. I would get a baby!!
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Jun 7, 2012, 09:21 PM
Where would you get the mice?
Entomology Expert
Jun 7, 2012, 09:24 PM
I think if you two live together and she is uncomfortable with having one in the house, then yes, it's disrespectful of you to get one. Many people have issues with certain "pets" and you have to understand that.
It actually looks like you're going to get one no matter what... like getting this snake means more to you than your girlfriend does.
New Member
Jun 7, 2012, 09:24 PM
 Originally Posted by Wondergirl
Where would you get the mice?
From the pet store or order them frozen off line. I also have a decent size room off my kitchen I could keep my python in we aren't planning in using it for anything or there is a room before you walk into one of my bathrooms.
New Member
Jun 7, 2012, 09:31 PM
 Originally Posted by odinn7
It actually looks like you're going to get one no matter what...like getting this snake means more to you than your girlfriend does.
That's a rude comment and no, I love my girlfriend. Its just I feel like just because she's scared doesn't mean I should not be able to obtain one. Besides once it grows into a beast I will give it away... I have considered a stupid iguana or something. Maybe even a pot belly pig I just want a out of the norm pet...
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Jun 7, 2012, 09:31 PM
1. Your girlfriend will never see the python.
2. Your python will never escape.
3. Your girlfriend will never know you are feeding cute little mice to a snake.
4. When friends come over, they won't be able to see the python nor will you take it out to show off, especially if your girlfriend is there.
5. You won't get one until you know everything there is to know about raising and keeping pythons.
6. You have plenty of money for this enterprise.
7. You really don't mind upsetting your girlfriend.
New Member
Jun 7, 2012, 09:33 PM
Is getting a snake even though she doesn't want one part of your wowing routine?[/QUOTE]
Wow I never looked at it like that but yeah I guess you could say so. I'm not BORING or plain...
Entomology Expert
Jun 7, 2012, 09:35 PM
 Originally Posted by MysteryUser
That's a rude comment and no, I love my gf.
It's not rude, it's the truth. She told you she doesn't like snakes and won't feel comfortable having one in the house but you're determined to get it anyway. That tells me that getting the snake is more important to you. Sorry I don't agree with you but not agreeing doesn't make it rude.
New Member
Jun 7, 2012, 09:37 PM
 Originally Posted by Wondergirl
1. Your girlfriend will never see the python.
2. Your python will never escape.
3. Your girlfriend will never know you are feeding cute little mice to a snake.
4. When friends come over, they won't be able to see the python nor will you take it out to show off, especially if your girlfriend is there.
5. You won't get one until you know everything there is to know about raising and keeping pythons.
6. You have plenty of money for this enterprise.
7. You really don't mind upsetting your girlfriend.
No I told her I wouldn't just not mess with it and no it won't escape its called they have secure inclosures. I wouldn't put it all in her face and duh everything takes money...
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Jun 7, 2012, 09:38 PM
What about a hedgehog? A tarantula?
New Member
Jun 7, 2012, 09:39 PM
 Originally Posted by odinn7
It's not rude, it's the truth. She told you she doesn't like snakes and won't feel comfortable having one in the house but you're determined to get it anyway. That tells me that getting the snake is more
important to you. Sorry I don't agree with you but not agreeing doesn't make it rude.
Eh what can I say if she wants to break up with me over a snake then that means it wasn't meant to be..
... you only live once... oh by the way mice aren't cute!
Entomology Expert
Jun 7, 2012, 09:40 PM
 Originally Posted by Wondergirl
What about a hedgehog?
He doesn't really want to hear any of what we have to say. He came here expecting people to say she was wrong and he should get the snake despite how she feels about them.
New Member
Jun 7, 2012, 09:40 PM
 Originally Posted by Wondergirl
What about a hedgehog?
I really wanted something monster like: /
New Member
Jun 7, 2012, 09:43 PM
 Originally Posted by odinn7
He doesn't really want to hear any of what we have to say. He came here expecting people to say she was wrong and he should get the snake despite how she feels about them.
I'm a SHE and no I understand to a degree but I'm very pig headed I will agree to that. I just don't understand what's so bad about wanting what I want. I mean OK here's a metaphore... You are scared of clowns so you never take your kids to the circus?
New Member
Jun 7, 2012, 09:44 PM
 Originally Posted by MysteryUser
That's a rude comment and no, I love my gf. Its just I feel like just because shes scared doesnt mean I should not be able to obtain one. Besides once it grows into a beast I will give it away....I have considered a stupid iguana or something. Maybe even a pot belly pig I just want a out of the norm pet....
Well, when I first read your post my thoughts were similar to the comments by odinn7. Just imagine you are very scared of or really hate something and your girlfriend just decides to put it in the house no matter what you say. If I were you I won't do that.
New Member
Jun 7, 2012, 09:46 PM
 Originally Posted by odinn7
He doesn't really want to hear any of what we have to say. He came here expecting people to say she was wrong and he should get the snake despite how she feels about them.
Once we were at a flea market and I saw a pig he would reach several hundred pounds and she was like nooo to that. I wanted a pittbull and so I got one I wanted her a playmate and she was like nooooo to that. So I got him while she wasn't around and ahe loves them
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Jun 7, 2012, 09:47 PM
It has nothing to do with circuses and clowns. It has to do with respect for another person. (And if my husband or I disliked clowns, no, we'd never take our kids to the circus. Clowns are creepy. John Wayne Gacy was a clown at kids' parties.)
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