Mar 13, 2011, 08:05 PM
Well, our piranhas just passed away today. All 3 of them. :(
We have a 50 gallon tank, and the family is talking about getting a tortoise. Does anyone know anything about them?
I know they can live over 100 years, but I'm looking more into diseases and feeding and general overall care.
Thanks to those that can help.
Pets Expert
Mar 13, 2011, 08:33 PM
Darn, I wish I could help you J.
Turtles are illegal to own here, so I've never had a lot of contact with them, or anyone that owns them.
My cousins in Germany owned turtles, but I was young and don't remember what they did, or what issues, if any, they had.
You know that if you get a tortoise, you need a bunny too. The tortoise and the hare, it's a must. :)
Don't even get me started on the difference between a hare and a rabbit. It's the thought that counts. ;)
Mar 13, 2011, 08:35 PM
 Originally Posted by Altenweg
Don't even get me started on the difference between a hare and a rabbit. It's the thought that counts. ;)
Then don't get me started on the difference between a turtle and a tortoise. :p
Pets Expert
Mar 13, 2011, 08:38 PM
 Originally Posted by J_9
Then don't get me started on the difference between a turtle and a tortoise. :p
LMAO! I was going to mention that, but they are similar, as are hares and rabbits. :)
Neither tortoises or turtles are allowed (as pets) where I am. Don't know why. :(
Mar 13, 2011, 08:42 PM
We can catch turtles in our backyard. Tortoises are different.
I just hate to pay for a tortoise if there are too many illnesses and the vet fees will be too high.
Oh, I think I need to get some speel... can't even tpye anyrome.
Uber Member
Mar 13, 2011, 11:38 PM
I'll admit I know nothing about them either... in fact I have never even seen a turtle or a tortoise!
Never seen a Piranha either, they would have been very interesting pets.
I know googling is naughty but this site seems to be pretty comprehensive, it has information about tortoise breeds, diet, diseases, care... etc...
Tortoise Care Guide
Mar 14, 2011, 03:09 AM
Yeah, Shazzy, we've googled. I was just hoping that someone had some personal experience. I knew it was a long shot though.
Uber Member
Mar 14, 2011, 04:54 AM
You never know, we often get some new people spot a question and reply. Keep an eye out :)
Pets Expert
Mar 14, 2011, 03:34 PM
J, you could always call a vet, ask if there's anyone that specializes in tortoise's. If you get one you'd have to find a specialty vet anyway, so shopping around for one now, and getting some much needed info on them, that may be the way to go. :)
Ultra Member
Mar 14, 2011, 10:10 PM
Tortoise's are pretty easy keepers.. Just feed them fresh food along with the pellets. The pellets are good because they are packed with vitamins.. They also eat insects.
When purchasing the tortiose, be sure to have the right lighting, they need a UVB and UVA bulbs along with a basking lamp, NOT a heat rock and plenty of places to clamber and hide in. Depending on the type of tortiose will depend on the set up. I have heard that box turtles are typically sold as a Tortoise and do require more water then a regular tortoise, so be cautious when purchasing from a pet store or private party.
Here is a pretty decent website for you, it has general care, species and habitat set up.
Tortoises as Pets - Introduction to Tortoises
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