New Member
Jun 22, 2013, 09:17 AM
Leopard geckos
OK I have 1 corn snake ,1 leopard gecko,and 1 dog .ok my leopard gecko I think is a high yellow I don't know because in the shop they didn't say .if I was to breed my leopard gecko what other morph would be the best choice for a good outcome I'm not saying I am going to breed them I'm just wondering. Also I am busy because I go to school and some time I don't have loads of time to get out and play with my animals but I want another one and it will probably be a leopard gecko I really like animals and want another one what morph do you think is the best looking Xx
New Member
Jun 23, 2013, 05:10 AM
Can some one answer
Jun 23, 2013, 05:13 AM
Someone would answer if they knew the answer to your question. We are all volunteers here and I don't know of many members who are reptile experts.
If you don't have much time to spend with your animals, you have no business trying to mate them.
Jun 23, 2013, 05:16 AM
After reviewing all of your posts, come to find out you are 11 years old. You have no business breeding animals of any sort as you are not yet mature enough to handle the responsibility.
Paranormal and Spiritual Interests
Jun 23, 2013, 06:16 AM
I am very knowlegable when it come to reptiles/amphibians. My late college years were spent specifically on environmental biology and most specifically on herpetology. I backed out of this question because herp husbandry and genetics was one thing I didn't study.
New Member
Jul 22, 2013, 02:23 AM
 Originally Posted by J_9
After reviewing all of your posts, come to find out you are 11 years old. You have no business breeding animals of any sort as you are not yet mature enough to handle the responsibility.
OK rude did I say I was going to breed them urrmmm NO get your own facts right before you start moaning at a 11 year old as you said no one is a expert so please
New Member
Jul 22, 2013, 02:25 AM
 Originally Posted by J_9
Someone would answer if they knew the answer to your question. We are all volunteers here and I don't know of many members who are reptile experts.
If you don't have much time to spend with your animals, you have no business trying to mate them.
Really GO AWAY
Jul 22, 2013, 03:01 AM
OK rude did I say I was going to breed them urrmmm NO get your own facts right before you start moaning at a 11 year old as you said no one is a expert so please
Actually you DID say you wanted to breed them.
.if I was to breed my leopard gecko what other morph would be the best choice for a good outcome
No, I won't go away. I moderate this site.
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