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Snaked sink, still backing up ? Now what?
[ 2 Answers ]
OK so I snaked the drain, went in about 20 feet could not get anymore in. put trap back together. Ran water, backs up and it does drain, just very very slowly. Before it would not drain. So now what?
What to do when a pipe has been snaked and still overflows
[ 4 Answers ]
We have snaked the clean out drain with a hand held snake that attaches to a drill and a bigger power snake. We now have the cover off the drain so that when the water back up sone can go out there intead of overflowing the pipe that the washer drains in. When the water does come out of the drain...
Snaked floor drain, but no luck!
[ 2 Answers ]
Hello, The floor drain in the basement of my 1960's split is overflowing from the dishwasher and kitchen sink. I've snaked the floor drain using a 25 ft drill powered auger. Got to the end of the snake, all 25 ft, and never felt like I hit a clog. I tried this a couple of times, but the drain...
My dog got de wormed last month and now he's puked 4 times in the last 2days?
[ 2 Answers ]
Hi I'm a first time dog owner,my dog is about 7 months old and I gave him his deworming formula last month.but I've noticed that in the last couple of days he has puked about 4 times,it's a yellowish fluid. I was just wondering if that could be his system clearing out or that maybe he really is...
Bathtub can not be snaked
[ 6 Answers ]
I have a cape that is about 55 years old. Lo9oks like priginal tub it has been a slow drainer since we ourchased it. But now it is really back up. I use drain open and it helps. I purchased a snake but it would not get through the hole where the tub stopper is. (dosent work). Anyhow any... View more questions Search