New Member
Apr 11, 2010, 08:17 AM
Can snakes walk ?
Can snakes walk?
Apr 11, 2010, 08:18 AM
Only those with legs ( oh wait, they don't have legs)
Ultra Member
Apr 11, 2010, 11:53 AM
No, snakes cannot walk. They do not have legs to walk with. They move by the muscles in their bodies on the ground. Its really neat looking if you get a close up!
Uber Member
Apr 11, 2010, 12:04 PM
 Originally Posted by Lucky098
No, snakes cannot walk. They do not have legs to walk with. They move by the muscles in their bodies on the ground. Its really neat looking if you get a close up!
Read in Genesis why a snake has no legs.. :confused:
Ultra Member
Apr 11, 2010, 12:34 PM
 Originally Posted by Kitkat22
Read in Genesis why a snake has no legs..:confused:
Yea... I really don't follow that... I'm too much of a realist!
Uber Member
Apr 11, 2010, 12:36 PM
 Originally Posted by Lucky098
yea... I really dont follow that... I'm too much of a realist!
We'll agree to disagree.. Hugs:)
Apr 11, 2010, 12:44 PM
Snakes slither. It's part of why so many people are creeped out by them. I happen to think they're beautiful and fascinating.
Uber Member
Apr 11, 2010, 12:53 PM
 Originally Posted by hheath541
snakes slither. it's part of why so many people are creeped out by them. i happen to think they're beautiful and fascinating.
Heath... I think they look evil... especially the giant ones.:eek:
Apr 11, 2010, 01:02 PM
That's probably the christian upbringing.
Early christians vilified the snake as a way to undermine the pagan religions in the area. Most pagan religions in europe at the time, had at least one deity who's sacred animal was the snake. It was an animal reconnected with rebirth and life.
In fact, the entire thing about st. patrick casting the snakes out of ireland had nothing to do with real snakes. There have never been snakes native to ireland. He really went there to convert and 'cast out' the pagans.
Uber Member
Apr 11, 2010, 01:17 PM
 Originally Posted by hheath541
that's probably the christian upbringing.
early christians vilified the snake as a way to undermine the pagan religions in the area. most pagan religions in europe at the time, had at least one deity who's sacred animal was the snake. it was an animal reconnected with rebirth and life.
in fact, the entire thing about st. patrick casting the snakes out of ireland had nothing to do with real snakes. there have never been snakes native to ireland. he really went there to convert and 'cast out' the pagans.
I don't know anything about that except ,yes I am a Christian.. I was raised in a Christian home. Sometimes I don't do everything I should as a child of God, but nevertheless I know I am his child. As far as knowing anything about pagan religions I don't .I don't read about them.
You are very educated and I respect that. You know more now at your age intellectually and educational wise than I'll ever know... I just know I don't like snakes.. I do love Edith and the kitties... :)
Ultra Member
Apr 11, 2010, 05:16 PM
 Originally Posted by Kitkat22
We'll agree to disagree ..Hugs:)
Sounds good to me! :D
Uber Member
Apr 11, 2010, 05:18 PM
 Originally Posted by Lucky098
Sounds good to me! :D
Okay.. Lucky... :)
Ultra Member
Apr 11, 2010, 05:19 PM
 Originally Posted by hheath541
snakes slither. it's part of why so many people are creeped out by them. i happen to think they're beautiful and fascinating.
Some snakes really are beautiful! I just wouldn't ever own one...
I watched a cool program a couple weeks ago too! It was how the pythons were taking over FL.
I like the emerald green tree snakes. They're pretty cool looking.
Uber Member
Apr 11, 2010, 05:32 PM
 Originally Posted by Lucky098
Some snakes really are beautiful! I just wouldnt ever own one...
I watched a cool program a couple weeks ago too! It was how the pythons were taking over FL.
I like the emerald green tree snakes. They're pretty cool lookin.
I can't even stand to see them. There is one program on TV.. National Geographic where they show the venomous snakes. The one who spits the venom in your eyes and the two step.. :eek:
Apr 11, 2010, 06:41 PM
Found a grass snake one year at camp. It was about 4-6 inches long and didn't even have teeth yet. It lunged at one of the girls I was with. She screamed like a little girl and jumped backwards so fast she ended up falling and rolling down the hill. I didn't stop laughing for a very long time.
Uber Member
Apr 11, 2010, 06:53 PM
 Originally Posted by hheath541
found a grass snake one year at camp. it was about 4-6 inches long and didn't even have teeth yet. it lunged at one of the girls i was with. she screamed like a little girl and jumped backwards so fast she ended up falling and rolling down the hill. i didn't stop laughing for a very long time.
That is funny! I would have laughed too. We lived in the country and my Dad taught us the difference in venomous snakes and the ones who weren't. He ran upon a little den of copperhead babies. They looked like worms. My brother started to pick one up and Dad said they were as venomous as the mother or father snake. I didn't stick around to see! I do watch some of the snakes on National Geographic.:eek:
Apr 11, 2010, 06:55 PM
I got grounded once for 2 months for taking two steps toward my mother while holding a snake.
Uber Member
Apr 11, 2010, 07:01 PM
 Originally Posted by hheath541
i got grounded once for 2 months for taking two steps toward my mother while holding a snake.
OMG... You didn't... I would faint... Your really going to hate this.. I have a phobia about worms.. the fuzzy ones.. caterpillers terrify me and those wooly worms.. the brown ones. I don't know why I have that phobia but
My grandkids let them crawl up their arms and on their face. I try not to show my fear but I come into the house... :confused:
Apr 11, 2010, 07:05 PM
I love caterpillars, and snakes, and lizards, and frogs.
We have managed to hi-jack a thread. Then again, it did only need one word as a response.
Uber Member
Apr 11, 2010, 07:12 PM
 Originally Posted by hheath541
i love caterpillers, and snakes, and lizards, and frogs.
we have managed to hi-jack a thread. then again, it did only need one word as a response.
True! But it is an interesting conversation!
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