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Getting holiday gifts for persons of other religions
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Okay I know I have made fun of them but I have An aunt, uncle, and three cousins who are Jehovas witnesses. I know they don't celebrate santa and all that stuff. Isn't there some way I can get something for them that won't offend or start a war?
Gender equality in the mainstream religions
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One of significant shortfalls of the "Great book religions" (IMHO) is their insistence on the inequality of the sexes. Even for those few varieties of western Protestantism that allow women to be priests and bishops, inequality is still fixed into the foundations of the theology. The myths of...
Can a child be baptized into 2 religions?
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I am English and my husband is Greek and we live in Ireland. My son age 7 was born in Belgium and has a British passport. My husband is going to baptize him in Athens, Greece over Easter so he will be Greek Orthodox, but I want to baptize him in England so he is church of England like myself. Is... View more questions Search