New Member
Mar 14, 2007, 12:32 AM
And is it true some people can't live without love?
Well is it? Cause I, for one, am always miserable when I'm single! What about you guys?
New Member
Mar 14, 2007, 12:39 AM
If you can't be happy single, you'll never be happy in a relationship.
If you think you can only be happy in a relationship, you'll get clingy and irritating.
Ultra Member
Mar 14, 2007, 02:45 AM
Love yourself first, only then can you make someone else part of your life. Get a new direction for your life which doesn't ever involve love. That could be bodybuilding, developing a spirituality, photography, volunteering etc. I find keeping myself busy helps - as I did when I was single + happy.
I did always strive for more when I was single (a relationship) I felt that something was missing but when not I soon resorted to co-dependency, partly because of her cheating and doing hot/cold on me. But you can live without love and millions do. The road of life is ongoing, have the end in site, there will be many diversions and stops along the way but think positively, who knows what is around the next corner.
New Member
Mar 14, 2007, 04:06 AM
 Originally Posted by Asaahi
Well is it? Cause I, for one, am always miserable when I'm single! What about you guys?
Sometimes when you're not single it's not really love though, it could just be lust, so maybe if you look at it from that point of view, it won't be so miserable...
My single friends all moan at times but they all hang out together, do fun things and just try to have as many girl nights as possible... takes their mind off things.
Mar 14, 2007, 04:10 AM
 Originally Posted by Asaahi
Well is it? Cause I, for one, am always miserable when I'm single! What about you guys?
My experience has been that if you need someone to make you happy, you'll never be happy with anyone. If your miserable when your single ,then you aren't doing the things that make you enjoy life on its own terms. You have to know and be comfortable with yourself and what your doing.
New Member
Mar 14, 2007, 10:19 AM
Thanks a lot everyone! I've somewhat realized in these past days that I need to become independent when it comes to my happiness.
I also found this if you guys want to check it out:
It's about being independent...
I regard all beings mostly by their consciousness and little else
Mar 14, 2007, 10:28 AM
I was very happy single but I didn't start that way. I had to grow and solve many things first. I actually believe that my eventually being a very contented single person contributed to finding my soulmate too. LOL People who are miserable single are often codependent -- not good!
As for your question, here's what I have found about love. I spent several years with no partner, or active friends or family to love me and found that, while lonely, it was quite bearable. But I need some live thing to love, like a pet or a friend -- that's the part I found so unbearable. Its as if I affirm life when I can express love. So incoming -- no big deal. But outgoing -- very big deal. LOL
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