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    none12345's Avatar
    none12345 Posts: 1,439, Reputation: 234
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    Apr 9, 2009, 05:53 PM
    What is "true" love?
    Just curious guys. Do you believe in "true" love? If so, what do you believe it is and what it consists of? If not, why not?

    If you don't believe in "true" love. Than what do you believe just normal "love" is? =P
    mudweiser's Avatar
    mudweiser Posts: 2,750, Reputation: 707
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    Apr 9, 2009, 05:58 PM
    I believe true love is love. There is no lying love, that's why it's called infatuation.

    I quote the bible and say:

    "Love is patient; love is kind
    And envies no one.
    Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude;
    Never selfish, not quick to take offense.
    There is nothing love cannot face;
    There is no limit to its faith,
    Its hope, and endurance.. ”

    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Apr 11, 2009, 11:18 AM
    I feel that loving others is a reflection on how you love yourself. So that's where true love starts, with you, and you share it with others.
    redhed35's Avatar
    redhed35 Posts: 4,221, Reputation: 1910
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    Apr 11, 2009, 12:50 PM

    True love stands the test of time.
    True love is letting go of someone for their happiness and freedom.
    True love stands up to the 'slings and arrows of outrageous fortune'
    True love of self provides courage to follow through with all the above.

    GOD is love.
    none12345's Avatar
    none12345 Posts: 1,439, Reputation: 234
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    Apr 11, 2009, 03:17 PM

    How do you tell the difference between love and lust?
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Apr 11, 2009, 03:40 PM

    Lust can be satisfied. Love grows.
    PainiizLove's Avatar
    PainiizLove Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Apr 11, 2009, 03:42 PM

    I feel that there is true love but that's when both partners try and make the relationship work out.. its really hard to find that nowadays because its always one person putting all the effort in the relationship =[
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Apr 11, 2009, 03:58 PM

    True love? Well, what's the definition you're using?

    I love my husband, he's my best friend, my partner, my lover, the father of my children, everything. We're a team. I love him, I believe it's true love.

    Now, if he died tomorrow, or if I died, would we never find love again? I don't think so.

    If one of us did find someone else to love, would it be true love? If so, was our love true?

    Am I making any sense? I hope so. ;)
    dazzling's Avatar
    dazzling Posts: 45, Reputation: 3
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    Apr 11, 2009, 04:13 PM
    True love is when u have known the person long enough, known their flaws, seen them at their worst but u still love the person dearly. There is nothing in the world u would not do for them and they would do the same for u.

    When u intensely love someone but they do not love u as intensely, that is not true love, it is infatuation.

    True love has to stand a test of time.
    teastalk's Avatar
    teastalk Posts: 299, Reputation: 21
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    Apr 11, 2009, 04:26 PM

    I agree with the posters above. There is no "true" love. There is just love.

    You know the other person; their flaws, their weaknesses, their greatest achievements, their thoughts/feelings, etc. In essence you love them as they are. You don't want to change them, you don't need to change them. If you see something to improve on, you will tell them. (Not change - improve!).

    Love from another person is rooted in their also knowing your flaws, your weaknesses, your greatest achievements, your thoughts/feelings, etc. In essence they love you as you are. They don't want to change you, they don't need to change you. If they see something to improve on, they will tell you. (Not change - improve!).

    The relationship is able to withstand other outside factors, such as other people who come into your lives or situations that occur (jobs, time contraints, stress, children, mothers, fathers, siblings, exes, etc.). When this comes into play you are able to communicate and be honest with your partner. You are willing to work together to solve the problem and to keep at it until the problem is solved; not give up and go to bed angry.
    none12345's Avatar
    none12345 Posts: 1,439, Reputation: 234
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    Apr 11, 2009, 04:35 PM

    Do you guys believe everyone will find love? Or is some people just not meant to love or be loved?
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Apr 11, 2009, 04:43 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by none12345 View Post
    Do you guys believe everyone will find love? or is some people just not meant to love or be loved?
    I believe that those who are open to love will find it. Those that love themselves will find love with someone else.

    For a long time I didn't love myself, it wasn't until I accepted who I am that I found love. Even then, I tried to shut the door, didn't think I deserved love. Thank goodness my love is as stubborn as I am.

    19 years together and we're still in love. It's not always easy, in fact, there are days I could strangle him with my bare hands, and I'm sure he feels the same way, but, in the end, love always prevails.

    Does that answer your question? ;)
    none12345's Avatar
    none12345 Posts: 1,439, Reputation: 234
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    Apr 11, 2009, 04:47 PM
    Yah kind of. I guess that wasn't really what I meant for the question though but it does answer it. What I'm really trying to ask is, is there love out there for everyone? Lol
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Apr 11, 2009, 04:48 PM

    I think there is, but can I prove it? No. ;)
    Nestorian's Avatar
    Nestorian Posts: 978, Reputation: 152
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    Apr 11, 2009, 05:53 PM

    True love, can be many things. Every one has their opinion, experiences, interpretation, and perceptions about it.

    True, as defined at: true definition |
    1. being in accordance with the actual state or conditions; conforming to reality or fact; not false: a true story.
    2. real; genuine; authentic: true gold; true feelings.
    3. sincere; not deceitful: a true interest in someone's welfare.
    4. firm in allegiance; loyal; faithful; steadfast: a true friend.

    Love as defined at: love definition |
    1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
    2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
    3. sexual passion or desire.
    4. a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.

    Lets say love is a firm genuine, deep affection and loyalty that is built upon a profoundly passionate faithful belief in the binding of two people's lives. Forever they will be attactched in one form or aother. Personally I would argue that there is also a point to which one may need to learn to let go of a love, simply because only if you truly love some one/ thing will you find the strength to let them go of your own free will. I think that is important, because it lets people know that we don't have to be together just because we "have to", but we stay together because we want to. Also some times, the one's we want to stay with, don't want to stay with us, and so we have to accept that so we can move on. There maybe "soul mates", but it's not clear as to whether or not we develop, and grow into such, or if it's predetermined for us. Maybe finding our soul mate has more to do with finding ourselves, and in doing so can finally attract our soul mates. Very mysterious is the world that we pretend to know.

    Lust= Passion, sex drive and hormons. One night stands, or meaningless flings. (The people that do this seem to show very little self respect, and tend to "...act kinda proud with no respect for tehmselves." P.O.D.- Youth of the nation)

    Love= Passion, sex drive, hormons, enjoy a person's company/ personality, and some respect. (Actually, I think this may be most relationships in our world. In love, but not so willing to see the differnece between them self and their lover, and what their relationship really means. There are different types, levels and kinds of Love at this level. Like the women who loves her man so much even when he hits her, or when the man loves his women but she cheats on him. Then there is the couple that is relatively happy together, but don't really grow, or progress because they are too different, or a like, or just don't work well together. )

    True Love= The one you will spend your life with, while there is time left to spend. YOu understand that you may not be together forever, but still live for the moment. YOu are comfortable with each other, and yourselves. Grow together, and progress in life, due to a healthy balance. When there is a split, it is on good terms, hard, painful still but good. (The "good" splite is not to be confused with a careless, reckless, and respectless splite. It is not like the couple who splites and stay's friends and cheats on their new partners with the one they are spliting on good terms with. I might arguee that true friends are in true love.)

    Soul Mates= True Love + Forever being with your lover as your lover will forever be with you. The one you are dedicated to until death do you part. Perhaps the one you will follow into the after life, what ever it maybe. Know yourself, and you will know your soul mate.

    As to whether or not I believe these... They are possibilities, just like anything, everything, nothing, and something else...

    "Do you guys believe everyone will find love? or is some people just not meant to love or be loved?" - None12345
    That is dependent, do we count the love of GOD as some believe, the Love one feels for themselves, The love of a family or friends?

    Love is not all about passion and sex. It's more complicated, and it also depends where what your cultural back ground is. I some times think that is why people are so confused about love, because they feel the same feeling for some one they love as for some one they want to just have sex with. That heated passion, and so on. But love is more than that, it's about connection, and being able to be with the one you love with out invading who they are. So often people get messed up by their feelings saying, "Oh look at this new exciting prospect of adventure..." Then the morals and spiritual guidance kicks in, "This is not right, I may be attracted, but i don't know this person. It's very dangerous, STDs, rape, murder, and so on. I deserve to be treated better then a fluzy, sex toy." Then it's a perpetual war waged with in the confinds of your own mind. These days people seem more pron to act on basic instinct and feelings than reason, and honorable intentions. Don't get me wrong, that's just an over generalization. There are still people who do care about what happens to one another, and do seem to be happy even after just a one night stand, but not always. Haha I guess I've been haning around too many rough necks eh? Haha, welders, mill laborours, and such.

    All I've given you is just my opinion. No real evidence saying nor suggesting its true.

    PEace and kindness be with you.
    none12345's Avatar
    none12345 Posts: 1,439, Reputation: 234
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    Apr 12, 2009, 12:29 PM

    If you love someone, does it mean you would be able to let them go and be happy with someone else? Even if its hard as hell for you?
    Nestorian's Avatar
    Nestorian Posts: 978, Reputation: 152
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    Apr 12, 2009, 04:00 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by none12345 View Post
    If you love someone, does it mean you would be able to let them go and be happy with someone else? even if its hard as hell for you?
    You may consider following this, Forgive yourself for past mistakes. Or it will be hard to know yourself. If you can not forgive yourself and thus let go of the past, you may only end up in situations that are too familliure and using your illutions II make things seem good when they are not. As Guns 'N' Roses play,
    "Cause yesterday's got nothin' for me
    Old pictures that I'll always see
    Some things could be better
    If we'd all just let them be..."

    Forgive yourself, then you can begin to know yourself. No it is very unlikely that we will ever know our self's entirely, for it's an on going progression that lasts through out our entire being, or so it is seems that such advice is important to keep in mind. When we get to know ourselves, we get to understand the connection we have and share with others. Whether it's, a lover, friend, the vary air we breath, the food we eat, the substances we put in our bodies, and the balance between all. Like I said, how can we know our soul mate if we don't know ourselves. So, if we break up with one lover and wish to improve our ability to be in a healthy relationship, then perhaps the best way to do this is by first getting to be ourselves. That means know yourself, and you shall know Love. It can be seen as not true, but I believe that is, for the most part, if you use your illutions II make things seem other than they are. If you can not be honest with yourself, you can not be honest with others.

    Love yourself, this is very hard for most, on account that we all have such high expectations for ourselves and one another. This one is very touchy and hard to deal with since it's a very powerful emotion. We tend to try and tighten our grip on it, but no matter how tight to grip it it just runs through our hands like sand. We become addicted to Love, and in the book "The brain that changes it'self" it is compared to the drug Cocain. While we have our love, or in my best interpretation that which seems to invoke the feeling of "Love"/"Euphoria", we are "happy". Then we start to associate things with that "Love". Should we loose that "love", we become depressed and miss it dearly.
    This is the complex part, we feel euphoric because the pleasure centers in the septal region of the Limbic system is turned on. This makes us associate what we experience, good or Bad, with the feeling of pleasure. When we are "in Love", on a "manic High" (term for people who have a mental illness called Mania, or bipolar.), or if we are under the influence of cocaine; the threshold at which our pleasure centers will fire is lowered, making it easier for them to turn on. "Neurons that fire together wire together." (this term implies that while the threshold of our pleasure centers is lowered, we associate what ever we do/see/think/feel/smell and generally experience with Pleasure.) Now, the pleasure center has a nother name, "the appetitive pleasure system" ("Appetitive: 1. An instinctive physical desire, especially one for food or drink. 2. A strong wish or urge: an appetite for learning." - Appetitive - definition of Appetitive by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.) The reason for the strong urge or instinctive physical desire is because the appetitive pleasure system is a dopamine-based system associated with the pleasure of anticipating something we desire.
    So now, when we separate from our "love" for too long we suffer from with drawl and the things that we associated with our "love", rather than bringing us happy feelings, they taunt us and serve as a dark reminder of the love we lost. That can change over time, but when the separation is new, it's really hard to look past the pain, and illutions we create. Generally after losing a love, the pleasure center isn't functioing the same so, we crash, craving our "love", get anxious, doubt themselves, lose their energy, and feel rundown if not depressed. Like the junky getting a small fix, a letter, e-mail, text message, or telephone message from our "love" gives us that old shot of energy and joy.
    Relationships that are regualar and routine, well the dopanine in our systems likes novelty, so we have to keep things rather fresh and new, exciting or our brains get bord. They need stimulation, and I've come to wonder if people who have relationship troubles and drink or do drugs regularly aren't linked to this idea of new and fresh. See, when we do drugs, drink alcohol, we kill brain cells and make it hard for the brain to learn new things.

    Ok, So I'm sure I for got quotation marks, but that's all from NORMAN DOIDGE M.D.'S Book "the brain that changes it'self".

    I have to go now, happy easter, and May peace and kindness be with us all.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Apr 12, 2009, 07:25 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by none12345 View Post
    If you love someone, does it mean you would be able to let them go and be happy with someone else? even if its hard as hell for you?
    If they don't love you the same way, then yes, you have to let them go, love them enough to find happiness elsewhere.

    I find that when that happens, someone else, someone even better comes along. It's those that are mad, vindictive, when a loved one leaves, that have a hard time finding love again.

    Besides, there is that saying; "if you love something, let it go. If it comes back it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was."

    Or my hubby's version; "if you love something, let it go. If it comes back it's yours, if it doesn't, hunt it down and kill it!" :p Okay, you guys know I'm joking, right? :eek:
    none12345's Avatar
    none12345 Posts: 1,439, Reputation: 234
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    Apr 12, 2009, 07:30 PM
    Yah. I love my ex but she left me for another guy. I find it really hard to let her go still gets me sad ever so often.
    Alty's Avatar
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    Apr 12, 2009, 07:40 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by none12345 View Post
    yah. i love my ex but she left me for another guy. i find it really hard to let her go still gets me sad ever so often.
    Sadly that's part of life. Love and loss, moving on, finding love again. Trust me, you aren't the first person to go through this, you won't be the last. I know it feels like your heart is being torn out of your chest, you truly believe that you feel worse then anyone else does, but you don't.

    My first love and I had so much chemistry, we loved to be around each other, loved just talking to each other, everything was wonderful, then we broke up. The sad thing is, I think I missed his friendship more then anything else. The sound of his voice, his company, the discussions we'd have. It was a hard thing to get over, it took a long time before I stopped crying every time I thought of him.

    Weeks turned into month, months turned into a year. One night my friend invited me to a club for her friends birthday party. I realldy didn't feel like going, but decided to get my arse out and have some fun. I had no intentions of meeting anyone other then a new friends. When this guy came up to me, started flirting, I flirted back casually, but that was it.

    Well, that guy and I have been together since that night, 19 years, married for almost 14, two great kids, blah, blah, blah. So don't give up on love, it's out there. :)

    Really mushy lately, must be something in the water. ;)

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