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thanks for the reply. Everyone is telling me this including my family. I think I am at the stage that I think I deserve this cos I keep having relationships that turn out the same way, always a controlling personality, but never been in a relationship where the jealousy has been a major problem. I have been married twice myself. First time around for 22 years and had 3 wonderful children but the father and I grew apart and wanted different lives. Second time I married a complete control freak and it lasted 4 months cos I realised I made a huge mistake. I was single for a while and seemed to be enjoying it when hey presto control freak no 3 popped into my life with his green eyes. I feel I am onlydestined to be with this kind of person. I'm trying to work out what it is that attracts them into my life. I feel until I work this out I cannot move on.
U keep meeting the same person over & over again because you have not spent enough time with yourself alone, To decide who you want to be with and what is acceptable or not.
Everyone goes through some bad relationships but if they don't step out and make a conscious effort to look at why they are ending up with the same type of man over an over.
Break off with this guy. But spend time reflecting on your own life, your childhood like did some one in your childhjood treat you this way. Ur father? Mother? Siblings were people emotially un-kind to you as child. If so, you are picking that kind of people because you don't know any better, 90% of the time we pick people that remind us of our childhood because that is all we are taught.
Spend at least 3-6 months alone.
Then make list of 10-15 things you want in your next boyfriend. When you start dating again. Carry your list around with you all the time. And check for these items on your lists. If within the first few months, you know the person is missing most or the major things in your list dump the person and move on.
Make your list your guide, not your emotions.
U will find the right guy but make peace with this one. You don't need be to around this idiot for long otherwise you will never be able to leave.