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How do I find AND keep friends?
[ 5 Answers ]
Hi So for years I have always wanted to have friends, but never have. I think it is lack of confidence mixed with some shyness. When I was in junior high and high school I told classmates that I had friends outside of school. When I was in college I acted like I had friends to people in my...
Can't find friends
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Hello. I am a 22 year old women. I am married and live in a house with my husband and our two roommates (2 of my husband and I's best friends). After high school my husband and I and our roommates moved about 6 hours away from all of our friends and all of their families (except my dad who we moved...
Why can't I find friends
[ 21 Answers ]
I recently moved to a new city to join a grad program in psychology and neuroscience. I don't know why but even after a year I feel like I have no friends. I do talk to people and I'm pleasant but people see me as aloof. Somehow I find myself unable to join and mingle with people and have them like...
I can't find my Friends
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:( Can anybody help me find my missing mates, I have a list of a few who I left behind when I had to move with my family. The names of the people are Kirsty, Joseph and Kimberley Penn who are brothers and sisters. There is also patrick and claire Duffield who are brother and sister. If anyone knows...
Find some friends
[ 3 Answers ]
I am a Chinese, and I hope to find some friends of American, English, Canada or other English language countries. So that I can talk with them online to improve my English speaking. And I can help them improve their Chinese speaking. Who can help me? :) View more questions Search