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Type: Posts; User: kctiger

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  1. Answers

    This is truly remarkable. I am in almost the same...

    This is truly remarkable. I am in almost the same situation at work (I'm a dummy), yet on the totally opposite side. I'm the older guy who the younger woman said no to since, in her mind, our age gap...
  2. Answers

    I know this thread is bordering on two weeks old,...

    I know this thread is bordering on two weeks old, but I get all fired up when I read something like this. It is just ridiculous how out of touch we become with our own self confidence. We blow things...
  3. Because it shows a complete lack of class and...

    Because it shows a complete lack of class and degrades the entire relationship. If you two were close enough to have a relationship, there should be a feeling of mutual respect to tell someone it is...
  4. Answers

    I know for me when I did the whole "NC" thing I...

    I know for me when I did the whole "NC" thing I made it a point to only talk to those friends who weren't considered mutual, or at least those friends who didn't talk to her on any regular basis....
  5. Answers

    I have hesitated posting on your thread due to...

    I have hesitated posting on your thread due to the other experts offering up their advice. I realize my own advice pales in comparison to theirs!

    First, I must say that I sympathize with how you...
  6. How long have you two been friends? Seems like a...

    How long have you two been friends? Seems like a fairly wide gap in maturity between 29 and 21. You say you've always loved him as a friend, which makes me think you two have been friends for years....
  7. Answers

    I've read your other thread and this is becoming...

    I've read your other thread and this is becoming a theme of self pity. You just got dumped by your other most recent girlfriend, now you are thinking about your previous ex who dumped you. Seems like...
  8. Answers

    You know you're in love when you don't have to...

    You know you're in love when you don't have to ask yourself if you really are in love. Seriously, and I know it's cliché, but you just know. There are so many little things people can tell you about...
  9. You seem to be fairly articulate with writing...

    You seem to be fairly articulate with writing down your thoughts, so I think it is more-so your nervousness when approaching others. I like to think of what I do as the art of "BS" (I'm sure you can...
  10. Answers

    So what happens the next time she goes through...

    So what happens the next time she goes through "personal" stuff? Are you honestly going to accept the fact that she will dump you when life isn't as easy as she wants it to be?
  11. Answers

    You both are very young and emotions change with...

    You both are very young and emotions change with the wind. Trust me, if you haven't talked to her in 2 months, you both will have moved on. There is going to be a lot going on within your young...
  12. Question: No luck with men

    by kctiger

    What kind of guys are you attracted to? What kind...

    What kind of guys are you attracted to? What kind of guys do you find attracted to you? Do you give the guys you are talking to a hint that you are interested in them, or do you make them do all of...
  13. People always talk, but it's up to you if you...

    People always talk, but it's up to you if you care to listen. This is your life. You're doing nothing immoral, unethical, or illegal, so I think you should concentrate on being happy as opposed to...
  14. Not a teacher, but I don't see a problem with it...

    Not a teacher, but I don't see a problem with it now. What bothers you more, the fact he is a former student or the age difference? If you two are getting along and there is no violation of the...
  15. Long term, whether you bite the bullet and tell...

    Long term, whether you bite the bullet and tell your friend, you should focus on getting over your shyness and overcoming your fear of talking to the opposite sex. It will go a long way in your...
  16. Answers

    Youzi: I think you misunderstood me, which I...

    Youzi: I think you misunderstood me, which I apologize for. I didn't mean you've done nothing in these 9 years. What I'm saying is that you have most likely done a lot, both of you actually, in these...
  17. Answers

    My friend, I hate to be the bearer of bad news,...

    My friend, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think the writing is on the wall, and perhaps has been for quite some time. I honestly don't think it has anything to do with your hesitation to...
  18. Not a women either, but I think it tends to do...

    Not a women either, but I think it tends to do with their desire to tame the unknown. The mysterious, rebellious guy, as cliché as it sounds, is often very attractive to an otherwise ordinary women....
  19. The short and quick answer: I'd be honest and up...

    The short and quick answer: I'd be honest and up front with her, in a manner that doesn't completely freak her out (i.e. don't "confess" your love). Just tell her you have feelings for her during a...
  20. Answers

    Stop giving yourself completely to others without...

    Stop giving yourself completely to others without first making them earn it. Not to offend, but your confidence sounds like it has taken several blows, to the point of defeat. It sounds like you need...
  21. Answers

    I think putting them in a room together is...

    I think putting them in a room together is foolish and altogether immature. If you can't trust either of them enough to make up your mind without coming to that, then I think they both need to go....
  22. It sounds like a lot of your relationships are...

    It sounds like a lot of your relationships are surrounded by jealousy, insecurity, and mistrust. I would think this is due to the younger ages involved. At any rate, you would do well to figure out...
  23. Question: Wassuuuup?

    by kctiger

    Nothing special really. Just been working my tail...

    Nothing special really. Just been working my tail off for the man. Unfortunately I've got no grand tales of fame or fortune, but the day is young.
  24. Question: Wassuuuup?

    by kctiger

    Hey there J! Just living life I guess. Wish I...

    Hey there J! Just living life I guess. Wish I could say I was wiser for the time that's passed, but we all know that would be a lie. How are you?
  25. Question: Wassuuuup?

    by kctiger


    Holy cow it's been a long time since I've been on here. Some of you veterans are looking as hot as ever. I just had to come on here and give a shout out to all of the oldies but goodies out there....
  26. Question: Ex girlfriend.

    by kctiger

    A one off for fun? COME ON MAN!! While I agree...

    A one off for fun? COME ON MAN!! While I agree this can happen, I certainly don't think doing it with an ex is a good idea. Too much past history, too much emotion. I don't care what the intentions...
  27. I think you like your ex, or whatever you want to...

    I think you like your ex, or whatever you want to call him, because he is comfortable. There is a "natural" feeling of home you get from him, which is understandable since you've dated him for three...
  28. Answers

    A lot of couples do not get to see each other...

    A lot of couples do not get to see each other everyday. There is nothing wrong with that. The key is making the time you do spend together count. Make it about the quality, not the quantity. Don't...
  29. Answers

    Can I ask you why you felt the need to check her...

    Can I ask you why you felt the need to check her messages on Facebook? Is that something you normally do in a relationship? Do you check her phone too? Seems like either you have some trust issues or...
  30. Answers

    The only thing you really can do is accept her...

    The only thing you really can do is accept her decision. That's it. She's done and you need to realize that, as awful as it sounds. I'm sorry it hurts, but treat it as a lesson and move on.

  31. Answers

    Simple Answer: Yes, you should leave Simpler...

    Simple Answer: Yes, you should leave

    Simpler Answer: RUN!

    Ain't no affection in the world enough to make up for a violent reaction. Don't make excuses for an absolutely stupid decision on his...
  32. Answers

    I get what you're saying Zach, but you can't...

    I get what you're saying Zach, but you can't control anyone. If they want to smoke, hang out with others you don't approve of, they are going to do it. You can't stay with someone, say you love them,...
  33. Answers

    Just so you know, for future reference, you don't...

    Just so you know, for future reference, you don't "forbid" most women from doing anything. It doesn't work like that. I'm surprised you don't know that after 18 years, but best to learn it now,...
  34. Answers

    I can't speak to how it is done where you are...

    I can't speak to how it is done where you are from. I also don't consider myself worldly enough to do so. On that note, I will offer my two cents. Start as friends. Get to know each other and have...
  35. Answers

    May I ask what is your culture? Online...

    May I ask what is your culture? Online relationships can lead to a lot of ambiguous and vague feelings. It's hard to put a label one something when you've never even met face to face. Are you in a...
  36. No need to make the effort my friend. It has...

    No need to make the effort my friend. It has already been made known you both have feelings for each other, I doubt making flirty comments back and forth will suddenly bring worlds together.

  37. You either put your heart out there and risk the...

    You either put your heart out there and risk the chance of getting hurt, or you keep your heart locked away and surely become a lonely person. There is a risk/reward factor to anything that requires...
  38. We all have the thoughts after a break up of...

    We all have the thoughts after a break up of never being able to find another special someone. That is natural. It goes away after awhile, with time and with effort to focus your energy on more...
  39. Question: Lost

    by kctiger

    You know, you have got to take responsibility for...

    You know, you have got to take responsibility for your own happiness, and for God's sake, get some damn self respect back. I don't mean any offense to women on here when I say this (because I am a...
  40. Question: Lost

    by kctiger

    By "Let Go" I'm hoping you simply mean put all...

    By "Let Go" I'm hoping you simply mean put all this craziness behind you? You are a prisoner of your own thoughts.
  41. Answers

    This entire situation sounds like a classic case...

    This entire situation sounds like a classic case of something that just didn't work out. I don't see any inclination of her having some deep rooted problem with commitment. I don't see anything but...
  42. Question: Lost

    by kctiger

    I have been in a situation similar to yours,...

    I have been in a situation similar to yours, although I did not fall in love with the girl. I must say, I am a bit perplexed by your interesting way of turning this into a bigger drama than it really...
  43. Hind sight is always 20/20. You can't fix...

    Hind sight is always 20/20. You can't fix problems of a relationship if you don't know what your own problems are, or even who you are. If the relationship was going to last, usually you stay...
  44. This isn't about avoiding further pain, it is...

    This isn't about avoiding further pain, it is about being able to think straight. The relationship is over and it is over for a reason. If you are doing your own thing and focusing on YOU, then none...
  45. There is a lot of confusion often about the "What...

    There is a lot of confusion often about the "What if?" scenario. Amicon is correct. No contact means strictly no contact. It's over, let it be over (this goes for both of you).

    And yes, props for...
  46. Question: Proposal

    by kctiger

    I know it's your mother's opinion, but it is also...

    I know it's your mother's opinion, but it is also just an opinion. I am NEVER a fan of getting engaged before living with someone. Getting your own place together and living only off the food you two...
  47. Answers

    It is always important to remember that our...

    It is always important to remember that our happiness is our responsibility. Take care my friend!
  48. Answers

    There is always a blow to the ego when we break...

    There is always a blow to the ego when we break up. We are worried that we'll never attract another woman. When you do, it is almost like weight being lifted off your shoulders. But just because you...
  49. Answers

    When you revealed your feelings to her, did you...

    When you revealed your feelings to her, did you tell her you were looking for marriage? What did you say?

    You can't really create certain things when you are dating. It should be a natural...
  50. I think she is saying goodbye in her own way,...

    I think she is saying goodbye in her own way, officially.

    You would do best to not reply and continue moving on and healing. I don't think she is opening up a line of communication for a...
Results 1 to 50 of 500