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How to add my son's name to my deed with both our names on property?
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I want to add my sons name to my deed so both of us are on the title. What documents, paperwork, etc will I need
Can I add someone to my deed and refin into all names?
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I recently built a house. The mortgage switched from construction to permanent in September 2008. However, my construction costs went waaaaay over, to the tune of $100,000 over (it's a long story, I had a lot of bad luck starting with a contractor disappearing with $40,000 in the very beginning)....
Addition of names to property deed
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Hello ! Thank you for reading my question. If my husband and I own our home as tenants in common, is it possible for him to add others (such as his adult son) to the deed without my knowledge, or would I need to sign off on such a transaction as well? Thank you .
Add Children's Names to Parents' Deed
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Both of my parents are in declining health. To protect their home we would like to add the names of their three children to their deed. How can we do this? View more questions Search