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Maryland eviction prince george county
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I allowed a desperate friend to move into a room in a house I am renovating. I stupidly gave him a lease for a 1 bedroom unit so that he could turn on utilities, etc. and charged him room rent of $450 by verbal agreement. After a couple of months, he also moved and stored all the rest of his things...
Putting another name on a deed in Maryland?
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I'm going to be married soon and want to add my to be husband name on my deed. Can that be done if so how? Thanks
Will you go to jail for violation of probation in howrd county Maryland?
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Thank you for your time. Please advice me of the steps to take to obtain educational rights for my son's friend, who is a Junior in High School. His mother is unable to care for him and is willing to take the appropriate steps to enroll her son in school, as he lives with me.
Add spouse to deed with quitclaim deed
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My wife and I bought a lot from my parents but my dad died prior to transferring our names to the deed. This was subsequently placed on the back burner and overlooked for a couple of years until I noticed that the tax bills had my parents name on it. I contacted my mother and she signed a... View more questions Search