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    ell17's Avatar
    ell17 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jan 8, 2017, 11:03 AM
    Selling entire contents of home
    I am selling my home and the the next couple of months!
    Any suggestions and good directions....and no I am not afraid of getting rid of my belongings.
    However the contents, furniture, wall hangings, linens and womens clothing, shoes, boots and purses...aren't junk!
    I have yard items as well!
    Thanks, ell
    ma0641's Avatar
    ma0641 Posts: 15,675, Reputation: 1012
    Uber Member

    Jan 8, 2017, 12:33 PM
    Post in local newspaper, Craigslist or hold an Estate sale. If you don't feel comfortable, have a company do it for you. Last time I moved, I posted an ad on CL for all my leftover tools. Sold them to the first person who came by for $900.
    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
    current pert

    Jan 8, 2017, 12:54 PM
    If you are in a snowy climate, wait til spring.
    Leave one room off limits, such as your bedroom. Anything for sale in there move out, and anything in the rest of the house not for sale move in.
    I would do this in 3 parts:
    Put an ad in your local paper for major expensive items first, with your phone number. That weeds out a house full of too many strangers.
    Also put those major items on Facebook. If you don't have an account there, open one ASAP and start making 'friends,' because that's your best source, and you can post pictures. Pictures mean MORE MONEY and MORE BUYERS!
    A week or 2 after that, hold a tag sale, with 2 friends or paid helpers. Have prices on everything, and a table or two near your door for 10 cent to $3 items. (Don't lug a lot outside - you will just have to lug half of it back in again.)
    A week after that, have a final tag sale, everything half off. Donate the last stuff to charity, with a load to the transfer station (dump) tables, where the free items are left.

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