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With yes or no for a deed in lieu .I still got to go
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:eek: Got to move for a better job and income next month ,I could't sell the house in a short sale it was in the market for a 1yr and for a rent ,the paymnet is to high( $1700 ) the house value is 199k in the market now , I was brought it for 260k , and at this moment I can...
Deed and lieu or deed in lieu
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If you are in trouble with your mortgage company, and will not be able to make your payment because your payment has went up by 578.00, you ask the company for help and they suggest short sale or deed and lieu. What does that mean and how do you procees at this point. Do you just turn over your...
Deed in lieu of foreclosure
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We have purchased a home here in Louisiana approx 4 years ago. The home is only 6 years old and has flooded 4 times. These are not only floods with hurricanes but average Louisiana rains. We have drainage issues in the neighborhood that no-one will correct. We have hired attorneys to go after... View more questions Search