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How to move out from an apartment ?
[ 3 Answers ]
Hello, I am planning to move out from my apartment, I am on lease but I have to break it and its OK for me to to pay fines for breaking the lease. I want to move out in March end, and I have to book my tickets accordingly say 8th April if I move out on March 31st because for those days I will be...
Move out fees
[ 4 Answers ]
So far, I've always rented private rooms and been fortunate enough to have great landlords and never any problems. I like the place I'm at now, but I can't have my boyfriend move in and we'd like to move in together so we're looking at apartments. I live in irvine, ca and would like to continue...
Fees after Canceling Apartment Lease Application?
[ 2 Answers ]
I recently filled out an application for an apartment, but decided to withdraw and chose not to sign the lease. I paid an application fee that I didn't expect to get back, but now the broker is pressing me to pay half a month's rent to account for the time lost while the apartment was off the...
I was asked verbally to move so a relative could move in. Relocation fees?
[ 3 Answers ]
The next month after my landlady was upset and was rude to me because I did not pay the rent 3 days early, I dropped off my rent and was told to move in 30 days so a relative could move in. Since I had paid last month's rent (is that legal or should it be security?) he told me I could have 60 days....
Asking someone to move out of apartment not on lease
[ 5 Answers ]
My friend's boyfriend is asking her to move out of the apartment by the end of the day. Giving her less than one day's notice. She is not on the lease but pays half the rent (Cash). This is in Pennsylvania. People are telling me that they have to give her 30 days notice is this true. She has... View more questions Search