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Death history of my apartment
[ 4 Answers ]
My children and I live in an apartment complex in Pleasant Ridge, a community of Cincinnati, OH and we have all sensed and experienced different feelings and odors in out apartment. I am curious to know what happened here in our apartment and/or building where we live. My oldest son has seen an...
History on my apartment address
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Did any bad crime happn at my address?
How can I look up history on my apartment?
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I think its hunted
Researching the history of my apartment
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I was just wanting to know how I can research the history of the apartment I live in. There are some creepy things happening and I want to know if something bad has happened here. Can someone help?
Find the history of my apartment
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How can I find out if my apartment that I'm in is a rent control apartment? In other words, how can I find the history of my apartment? View more questions Search