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    Choux's Avatar
    Choux Posts: 3,047, Reputation: 376
    Ultra Member

    Aug 9, 2008, 02:21 PM
    Wasp Infestation
    Eighteen days ago, I found many wasps in my apartment and called the maintenance man for help. He killed them and used a spray on the outside bricks where he saw wasps going through a hole in the mortar to their nest in my wall. I asked for an exterminator to help with the problem

    Making a long story short, he has been back a couple of times helping me get rid of wasps as I was bit once while in bed. Last night, I got another wasp bite, and Monday, it will be 20 days since the wasp problem started.

    I feel that as of Monday, the landlord owes me 20 days rent and a pest control operative to rid me of this problem. Is an apartment with wasps in it habitable?

    Is this a legal way to solve the problem?

    What is your opinion? What does the law say?

    I like to maintain friendly relations with my landlord as I often ask him not to raise my rent.
    LisaB4657's Avatar
    LisaB4657 Posts: 3,662, Reputation: 534

    Aug 9, 2008, 03:57 PM
    As long as you're still living there then the apartment is considered habitable. There's no way a judge would grant you a rent refund of 20 days if you didn't leave.

    The landlord definitely owes you anything you may have spent on pest control and it is definitely their obligation to get rid of the wasps.
    Choux's Avatar
    Choux Posts: 3,047, Reputation: 376
    Ultra Member

    Aug 9, 2008, 04:32 PM
    Thanks Lisa,

    The problem is I can't leave because I'm in a wheel chair, and have other severe problems. To vacate, I would have to go to a hospital.
    LisaB4657's Avatar
    LisaB4657 Posts: 3,662, Reputation: 534

    Aug 9, 2008, 04:53 PM
    Is a hotel an option?

    The other problem is that if you try to get a rent refund through legal process you will definitely make an enemy of the landlord. Have you tried talking to the landlord and asking for a rent rebate? They might be willing to take a percentage off the rent for the month. I'm sure they'd much rather do that than get sued.

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