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Landlord hasn't provided new lease to sign
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I live in Florida. I signed a 1 year lease (ends on Aug 1st) with the following terms: 60 written notice to terminate lease If no party provides intent the lease shall convert to month to month at an increase to market value(currently $500 more then I currently pay) + 10%(not to exceed 250)...
Stove never provided after promise
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Rented 4/2/08 Gas stove had been removed. Landlord promise installation of electric stove. Numerous delays. Now he says he will install gas stove after I pay for meter reinstalled. First, can he continue to delay me about the stove and second, Am I responsibly to pay for meter?
What Band is This? Descriptions Provided
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Hi, Everyone, I hope you are doing well. My friend is trying to figure out a specific American band in a music video he saw, and the following are the descriptions he provided: -5 members in the band -Members are White/Caucasian -Members are wearing black band clothing -They are performing...
Bank has not provided title
[ 2 Answers ]
I purchased a vehicle from a private individual and financed it with my credit union. The title was held by the owner's bank and joint payment was made to the individual and the bank. It has now been 4 months and the individual's bank has not produced a title. I have been without a car before I... View more questions Search