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My landlord is selling her home.
[ 7 Answers ]
I live in Alabama. I have been renting the house I'm in for 9 months. My landlord just told me today that she has put her house on the market awhile ago. What is the maximum amount of time do I have to stay in this house since she didn't put me out. And do I owe her rent for the next month if I do...
Landlord Selling
[ 2 Answers ]
I just recently signed a lease for a townhome. Last week I was called by my landlord and told that he is going to sell the home. In our rental agreement (which is for 18 months) he added that rent can be raised with proper notice. My question is, since the new owner will inherit the rental...
Landlord selling property in Pennsylvania
[ 3 Answers ]
Hello, I am renting a townhouse in Harrisburg Pennsylvania with my lease ending August 2007. My landlord has decided to sell the property. I want to know: 1) If he sells the property, is the buyer still obligated to honor our lease (in other word can they throw us out before August)? 2)...
Landlord is selling house
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I would like to how long I have before I have to move after my landlord sells the house I am living in?
Selling home/buying home simultaneously
[ 8 Answers ]
Real estate agent and the mtg broker she works with want me to refinance loan with them, take equity out of it and buy a townhouse, move into townhouse while maintaining my mtg with my present home while trying to sell it. I called Wamu (my original lender) and questioned him about this and he... View more questions Search