New Member
Mar 20, 2007, 08:56 PM
My landlord is selling her home.
I live in Alabama. I have been renting the house I'm in for 9 months. My landlord just told me today that she has put her house on the market awhile ago. What is the maximum amount of time do I have to stay in this house since she didn't put me out. And do I owe her rent for the next month if I do stay. And does she have to return my security deposit if I decide to leave.:eek:
Mar 20, 2007, 09:11 PM
Has she asked you to leave, you may remain in a house that is for sale if the owner does not ask you to leave.
And of course you just keep paying the rent like you always do ( if you don't pay rent you will be evicted) She is merely telling you that the house is for sale.
If she sales it, the new owner will be your landlord and you will rent from them if they wish to keep renting the house out.
If you have a lease the new owner will have to honor the terms of that lease, if you have a rental agreement they will have to honor the terms of that rental agreement.
I don't really undertand your question unless you left something out, you said she said house was for sale, I don't see you saying she saidyou had to leave, why do you want to leave ?
What type of rental, a lease or month to monty ?
New Member
Mar 21, 2007, 05:09 PM
He may be asking as now the rent he pays will be compromised as to his privacy as people come in and out of your once nice quiet home. They may install a lock box and that can be annoying but do not know if that is legal.
New Member
Mar 22, 2007, 03:17 AM
There will be no rental agreement with the new owner because this house is being sold. And yes there is a month to month contract. She wants the rent until the home sells then we are out.
New Member
Apr 25, 2007, 04:53 PM
I am living here in California, maybe the law is different here but my landlord was selling and he was only allowed to show the condo I was living in with an appointment we all agreed on, I wasn't comfortable with the lock box idea. He was by law required to give me a 90 day notice to move out, I got help from renters rights it cost me 80.00 at the time, it was very helpful though, because the realestate people were threatening me by saying that I would be out on the streets within 20 days time, that wasn't true :) I got a lot of extra time out of it since he had given me a couple of 30 day notices. I hope this helps you too. 90 days was a new law at that time.
Apr 25, 2007, 05:14 PM
IF they do not give you notice to move, the new owners will have to honor your month to month rent, if you are on month to month, all they have to do to have you move out is give you a 30 day notice, so if your current landowner gives you a 30 day notice, then you will have 30 days to move out, if your current landlord does not give you any notice, you just stay and get a new landlord when they buy.
So once the home sells, she don't own it any more, if she wants you out before it sells, she needs to give you notice 30 days before she wants you out. I sell a lot of houses with people in them, that is the only way to sell rental property, already rented, easier to sell since the new owner gets rent that very first month.
New Member
May 7, 2007, 11:30 AM
Be sure to check the law in Alabama. The current law is a 90 day required notice in California. If you like the new owner and want to stay, he or she has to give you a 30 day notice to raise the rent.
New Member
Jun 3, 2010, 04:55 PM
I am selling my rental property in PA. I told the tenant 7 months ago that I would be. They have a month-month lease. I have given a 60 day notice that I had the tenant sign both copies (theirs & mine). I am about to notarize the 30 day notice (that I will also have signed). Do I have any recorse if the tenant refuses to leave my property
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