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Selling games.
[ 1 Answers ]
What is a good place, NOT online, to sell games for CASH, not store credit? Update: Came to the conclusion that you can get store credit only and PayPal credits online. But what's the best place to get decent store credit, not online, by selling used games and DVDs?
Landlord selling property in Pennsylvania
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Hello, I am renting a townhouse in Harrisburg Pennsylvania with my lease ending August 2007. My landlord has decided to sell the property. I want to know: 1) If he sells the property, is the buyer still obligated to honor our lease (in other word can they throw us out before August)? 2)...
Landlord is selling house
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I would like to how long I have before I have to move after my landlord sells the house I am living in?
3 lots, selling 2 of them
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If I own 3 lots and I am selling 2 of them, will I have to pay capital gains taxes on the 2 lots I am selling? View more questions Search