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    Worried Daughter's Avatar
    Worried Daughter Posts: 3, Reputation: 0
    New Member

    Mar 3, 2007, 12:53 PM
    How to evict a Family member
    Hi, Im my mother's power of attorney. My 28 year old nephew (deceased brother's son) is refusing to pay room and board to my 80 year old mother. He only works part time . And rarely does anything for her. Im concerned for her safety . His mother ( ex sister-inlaw) and most of her family are drug users. How do I go about evicting him.
    Squiffy's Avatar
    Squiffy Posts: 499, Reputation: 84
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    Mar 3, 2007, 12:56 PM
    Does he have a tenency agreement, or any other legal right to live there? If not it shpoud be as simple as telling him he has to sign one, and so pay board, or leave. If he refuses, change the locks and move his stuff into storage for him to collect within a month!
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Mar 3, 2007, 02:38 PM
    In this case it appears he is a renter, since you say he is refusing to pay room and board.

    Next remember a POA can only act on the others behalf, so if you say move then your mom says it is OK you don't have to, she has just cancelled what you said. So you have to be sure she will say and back up what you are saying.

    But you give them a notice of eviction based on the time frame of the rental method they are to be paying, monthy?? Most likely.
    And if they still don't move, you file for an eviction with the court.
    Worried Daughter's Avatar
    Worried Daughter Posts: 3, Reputation: 0
    New Member

    Mar 4, 2007, 11:07 AM
    Thank You for answering my email.

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