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Evicting a roommate in CT
[ 3 Answers ]
I own my home and have had my boyfriend living with me for 5 years. He has not contributed financially to the household in over 3 years. We are estranged and I would like him out. He is non responsive on the subject. Please advise as to the simplest way to have him evicted. Thank you. gloria...
Evicting Roommate
[ 12 Answers ]
My roommate and I do not get along. He has lived there for a bit less than a month. I asked him to leave since he is not part of the lease. He claims that after two weeks he is a resident of the apartment and he has the right to stay there. Is this true? I am a Salt Lake City resident. Thank...
Evicting a roommate
[ 7 Answers ]
How can I evict my boyfriend from my house? He is not on the title to the house or the mortgage. He will not leave on his own, so I need to know what I have to do to get him out. I live in Ohio.
Evicting a roommate
[ 4 Answers ]
I rented a room and the roommate has been here a little over a month and I want to give her notice to vacate. Do I give her 30 or 60 days? It was rented on a month to month basis. She says that I have to pay her moving in costs and her moving out costs if I want her to leave. I do not have a...
Evicting roommate
[ 4 Answers ]
Greetings folks, About 7 months ago, I rented a room in my house to an old friend that recently came back into my life. He had just started a new job, and was looking for a place to stay. I wrote up a month-to-month contract, and he signed it. Terms were $400 a month due at the end of the... View more questions Search