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30 day notice law in California
[ 3 Answers ]
Hello I have a question does anybody know if it the law that you have to give a 30 day notice in the state of California because we were living at a home and our car was broken into twice in one week and there was a lot of out going activity going on after the first brake in , the people we think...
30 day notice - California
[ 5 Answers ]
On Sept 20 I gave my written 30 day notice. I subsequently moved out around October 3. My lease had expired in July. My problem is that the rental co is charging me rent till the last day of the month instead of 30 days after I gave notice, which should have been Oct 20. My question is can they...
California Condo 30 Day Notice From Landlord
[ 1 Answers ]
We are planning to sell our condo asap. We have given our month-to-month tenant of 2 years, her 30-day notice. She says that a new law passed stating that if the landlord is planning to sell and the tenant has been renting for over 2 years, then a 60-day notice is required. I can not find this...
When do I vacate a house in California after a foreclosure notice was given
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi, Please adv when should I vacate my house here in California after a foreclosure notice is given ? Tks/Dinah
California 30 day notice requirements
[ 5 Answers ]
I just moved out of a home and had a disagreement with the landlord. I gave a 30 notice on the 17th or last month. Since the month had 31 days, I took that to mean that my tenancy was over on the 17th of the next month. When I moved in, I was required to pay first month (prorated since he wanted... View more questions Search