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Why did I dream this horrible dream?
[ 3 Answers ]
I don't know whether I should've posted this under philosophy, but I couldn't find anything closer to the subject "dreams". Anyway... Last night, I had a horrible dream and I don't know why. I dreamed this tall, skinny white man was chasing me trying to kill me. My dream jumped from 3 different...
Does anyone know what this dream means
[ 3 Answers ]
It was sooooo strange. Im living away from home at the moment on a training course ant my partner is on tour with the forces. We are moving in together when we both get home and have been talking about the eventuality of marriage kids etc. Anyway, we didn't speak about this for a while, but last...
How would anyone change their identity by their own means or by professional means?
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Hi fellow users I am conducting research on this matter to aid myself look for a loved one who has not been seen for six years. I suspect that my friend has changed their identity and I need to understand how this can be done.
I don't know what it means
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Hi, It is destined to be a silly question. But please let me know. I was walking with my boyfriend, and I heard the sound of a bird. So I asked my boyfriend what bird it was. He told me he didn't see the bird, so he didn't know. And then I pointed to the bird for him. But he said, "never...
I want to know what this dream means
[ 8 Answers ]
I have been searching all over the net and I can't find out what this dream I dreamt means. It's about my husband, He leaves me in the car and leaves with a man. I was very upset and in the dream he tells me he will be living with his new partner. I want to know what this means. Thanks :) View more questions Search