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I have a 17 yr old son, he has had a stabbing pain under his rib cage in the middle
[ 1 Answers ]
Hello, my 17 yr old son has a stabbing pain in the middle from his groin erea up to his rib cage. At first it was just under his rib cage. I don't know what to do please help. Thank you any ideas??
I have a stabbing pain at the base of my rib cage on the outside.
[ 0 Answers ]
My stabbing pain is on the outside bottom of my left rib cage. What would cause this.
Stabbing pains
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Hi I wonder if you can help,when I am dropping off to sleep or asleep,I have stabbing pains in my legs and arm,it is like someone giving you a nasty pinch.:(
I get stabbing Pain in Right rib, it's not gallstones, what is it?
[ 2 Answers ]
I've been getting bad pain in my rib area. I got checked for gallstones and is not that. Could it be pain due to my scoliosis or some nerve problem I may have? I had an accident when I was a child and also I have marfan disease features, like I'm really skinny and long limbs. Docs have told me...
Sharp stabbing pains under left rib *possibly 8 weeks or more*
[ 3 Answers ]
I have this sharp stabbing pain on the bottom left side of my ribcage. I got a positive pregnancy test about 3 weeks ago and I have no idea how far along I am. Probably 8 weeks or more. The pain feels like those cramps you get when you run too much, but I didn't go running or do anything. When... View more questions Search