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    peppermint's Avatar
    peppermint Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Apr 9, 2007, 07:19 AM
    Delayed period
    Hi, I'm 21 y/o and I haven't got my period since January this year, I had felt some PMS symptoms during that month but I was disappointed. For the past months I was stressed because of school works. I tried to wait until now but still, there were no signs. I expereinced a low blood pressure a couple of months ago and taken some medications, the result, I gain weight. :(

    I haven't tried to seek a HPT because I'm afraid, what if, it is positive.. :confused: I don't want to have a baby as soon as now because I'm still studying. I'm not taking any pills and practicing withrawal method.

    Is it just a secondary amenorrhea or something that I don't want to happen?

    Please help me cope with this.. :o

    Thanks a lot..
    alkalineangel's Avatar
    alkalineangel Posts: 2,391, Reputation: 323
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    Apr 9, 2007, 08:28 AM
    As scary as it sounds, you need to just make an appointment with your doctor. They can give you a pregnancy test, and also look for other reasons behind it if it is negative. Waiting is not going to do anything except possibly harm your baby if you are pregnant and possibly you as well. There are many health risks that can be involved in pregnancy, (not to scare you, just so you know.) Also if it is another issue, you don't want to put your health at risk by waiting. It is possible if you are stressed like you say, that the stress has caused the delay, but It is April now, and if you still have not had a period, you need to see the dr. immediately.

    I know a baby is a big responsibility, and it is frightening when you are young and still in school, but you are old enough that you could handel a child if needed. The one thing I ask is that you consider other options than abortion if you decide to not keep the baby. There are many people out there who are longing to have a child. Your doctor can suggest options with you.

    As for the pull out method, it is not a wise decision. Actually it is pretty dag on close to deciding to have a child really... it does not work, and there is no protection from STDs. No contraceptive is 100% effective, but there are much better options that just pulling out. I would consider looking into those options if you are not pregnant. Keep yourself safe.

    Good luck
    alkalineangel's Avatar
    alkalineangel Posts: 2,391, Reputation: 323
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    Apr 10, 2007, 07:15 AM
    Peppermint, I am adding your PM to your forum, so that everyone can see. It may be helpful to another girl out there...

    Quote Originally Posted by peppermint
    i thank u for the response.. tomorow, il take the PT.. i hope the result is something that i would really like.. if not, are there medications that i can take?

    im ashamed to my parents, they have high expectations on me and i dont want to disappoint them.. :(
    You mean like prenatal vitamins? Or something else. You can gett prenatal vitamins over the counter at a drug store, or you can get them from your doctor.It is too late to take a morning after pill if that is what you mean. If the test is positive I would suggest to call your doctor and tell them you are pregnant. Then I would sugggest getting government help. Then start really deciding whether you wan to keep your baby or not. If not, talk to your doctor about adoption options. If you do want to keep the baby, talk with your parents. They will be dissapointed at first, but remember they just love you and worry about you, and they will get oer it once it sinks in. You will need their support, esp. if the baby's father is not in the picture.

    If the test is negative, I would still go to your doctor, tell them what is happening, and let them figure out why the period has not come. They may put you on birth control to regulate your period, but if they don't suggest birth control, I would ask about it. If you are sexually active, you need to be as safe as you can. I would also ask about the new HPV vaccine. You can never be too safe. Be careful in the furture and good luck.
    peppermint's Avatar
    peppermint Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Apr 10, 2007, 07:10 PM
    ... I had my very first PT and the result was there were two lines, but the other is too light.. does it mean it's positive?
    alkalineangel's Avatar
    alkalineangel Posts: 2,391, Reputation: 323
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    Apr 10, 2007, 07:37 PM
    For now, consider it positive. I suggest you go to a doctor to be absolutely sure though. When I was pregnant, I had one dark line and one faint one. I was 6 weeks along at that point.

    The doctor will help you explore your options. Abortion, Adoption, keeping the baby.

    They will also be able to help you get medical assistance for your pregnancy and the birth if you decide to keep the baby. Might I just say that I was 19 when I first found out I was pregnant. I turned 20 a month later. I went through all the worry about informing my parents and whether I should keep the child or adopt. Ultimately my husband (we were not married at that time) and I decided that adoption was not the right choice for us, and we made it work. My parents were a little upset at first, but after a few weeks were over it. After all I was an adult at that point, living on my own and with a steady job. I was fully capable of caring for a child. It has been 4 years since then, and I don't regret a single moment.

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