Oct 23, 2008, 06:35 PM
Sex Ed... Your Questions Welcome!
Recently I have been appalled at what people do and do not know about sex, about birth control, about pregnancy.
One of our fine members here, Altenweg (Alty for short), gave me an idea to start a thread about sex ed. As a labor and delivery nurse, I thought it might be a good idea to take her advice to heart and help all people who really are not sure how this all works.
Please ask away!!
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Oct 23, 2008, 06:41 PM
Why don't people use the Internet to access all that great information we were sadly lacking back in the Dinosaur Age?
Pets Expert
Oct 23, 2008, 06:41 PM
Wow, wow, wow, way to go J9, love it, absolutely love it! :)
I hope that people take advantage of this. No question is too ridiculous, too embarrassing, too anything. We've heard it all, haven't we?
I'm so glad you started this J9. :)
Pets Expert
Oct 23, 2008, 06:45 PM
 Originally Posted by Wondergirl
Why don't people use the Internet to access all that great information we were sadly lacking back in the Dinosaur Age?
Wondergirl, the sad fact is, we knew more back then (before internet) then most people do now. Also, the information on the net isn't always accurate or helpful, whereas we are.
We have wonderful people on this site that care about the health and welfare of our teens today. It's sad, but sex ed is sorely lacking in schools today and the interent (exluding AMHD of course) isn't the best place to get the inormation they desperately need.
I thinks this is a great idea and I hope that people use this thread the way it was intended.
Oct 23, 2008, 06:46 PM
Alty, it was you who inspired me, so I give the credit to you!!
Now I will be monitoring this board very closely, and any and all questions that are way out, disgusting or perverted will be deleted and the member banned. As a SuperModerator here I reserve that right.
Wondergirl, the only thing I can come up with is that there is a lot of misinformation on the internet, so, while they may be using the internet, they are not getting the right info. I've read about the withdrawal method and implantation bleeding on the internet, many myths, etc. I would like to try to dispel these myths.
Pets Expert
Oct 23, 2008, 06:48 PM
Gosh, blush, gee, thanks J9. :)
Oct 23, 2008, 06:49 PM
You're very welcome Alty!!
Now, just waiting for some questions...
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Oct 23, 2008, 06:52 PM
Can a woman get pregnant the first time she has sex?
Oct 23, 2008, 06:53 PM
Absolutely!! All it takes is one sperm, one egg, and one night of sex. And voilą... parenthood.
Pets Expert
Oct 23, 2008, 06:58 PM
Okay, I'll play along. Even though I know the answer, I know that others don't.
Does the pull out method work?
I'll even answer myself in the hopes that someone will get some much needed info.
No, the pull out method doesn't work, there are lots of sperm in pre-, and, like J9 said, all it takes is one sperm in order to fertilize an egg.
In other words, you're playing russian roullette, only instead of the gun only having one bullet, it's a six shooter with 5 bullets and only one missing. Odds are, you'll get hit!
There is no such thing as "safe sex" only "safer sex" so if you want to lower (not eliminate) the odds, use the pill and a condom. But realize, nothing is 100% effective other then abstinence. :)
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Oct 23, 2008, 07:02 PM
What's the best birth control?
Oct 23, 2008, 08:14 PM
 Originally Posted by Wondergirl
What's the best birth control?
You know the answer to this WG. Abstinence. There is no form of birth control that is 100% effective. Women have gotten pregnant on every form of birth control out there.
Pets Expert
Oct 23, 2008, 09:07 PM
That's the sad thing. Birth control pills give a false sense of security, 98.7% effective, well, that's not 100%.
I have a friend who has endomitriosis, one ovary, polysystic ovarian disease and many other health problems. She was told she'd never have children but her and her boyfriend tried anyway, they had two, the doctor said they were lucky.
Well, her boyfriend (soon to be hubby) was due to go in for a vasectomy, they decided two was enough, but until the procedure, she went on the pill and they used condoms. Guess what, she's now pregnant with her third, due in January.
In other words, if you're relying on birth control, you're putting your faith in something that isn't always effective, it's still very possible to get pregnant.
Abstinence is the only thing that works 100%, I doubt that they'll ever come up with a fool proof pill or other form of contraceptive, and even if they do, there's still human error.
Bottom line, don't want a baby, don't have sex. Also, STD's are always a possibility, even when you use a condom, condoms aren't anywhere near 100% effective and the chance of human error is even higher. Most people don't use condoms correctly, even if they did there's still a chance of failure.
Full Member
Oct 23, 2008, 09:25 PM
Ok this is cool, I have 2 questions
1. Are there certain sexual positions that can help to conceive?
2. Does achieving orgasm during sex help you conceive?
I know the answer to one of them... :)
Oct 24, 2008, 12:19 PM
 Originally Posted by spyderglass
Ok this is cool, I have 2 questions
1. Are there certain sexual positions that can help to conceive?
2. Does acheiving orgasm during sex help you conceive?
I know the answer to one of them...:)
1. No, not really. There are millions of sperm in ejaculate and it only takes one to reach the egg.
2. Yes. The orgasm helps to propel the sperm up past the cervix and into the uterus.
Full Member
Oct 24, 2008, 06:40 PM
Thanks J9 :)
Junior Member
Oct 24, 2008, 07:01 PM
Great job alty and j_9..
I really don't understand how can there be sex without orgasm! Its just impossible for me to believe! But I know it exists for a fact, and I simply don't know how:-)
Junior Member
Oct 24, 2008, 07:07 PM
 Originally Posted by J_9
Absolutely!!! All it takes is one sperm, one egg, and one night of sex. And voila....parenthood.
This quote struck me as odd as I was reading... it actually takes millions of sperm to penetrate the outer layer of an egg...
Full Member
Oct 24, 2008, 07:14 PM
But only one sperm fertilizes the egg-
Junior Member
Oct 24, 2008, 07:16 PM
Yes but for that one sperm to fertilize the egg there has to be a couple million to get there and make the hole for that one sperm... thats why people have to "try" to get pregnant...
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