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Ringing in ear
[ 9 Answers ]
I had a real bad cold & afterwards I've had a constant ringing in my right ear. :(
Ringing in ear
[ 3 Answers ]
My son experienced a ringing in his ear and later flu-like symptoms, to include vertigo-like symptons (diziness)... we have been to several doctors and are being told there is nothing that can be done about the ringing noise in his ears... has anyone ever experienced anything like this?
Muffled hearing and ringing in right ear.
[ 1 Answers ]
Hello, My name is Heather and I'm 20 yrs old. I woke up yesterday morning after sleeping outside with a really high pitched ringing in my ear. I also noticed I couldn't hear out of it either. The ringing has subsided but it still comes and goes. The not being able to hear, has changed to muffled....
Ringing in Ear
[ 2 Answers ]
I went to a concert for my University last night and ended up close by the speaker for the most of it, it mainly in the direction of my left ear. I'm 20 by the way, It was pretty loud, and for some performances I plugged that ear just to get rid of the sound. Now, when I got home, I knew that my...
Lump behind my left ear, constant ringing in my ears
[ 1 Answers ]
I have had a lump behind my left ear and it has gotten a little bit larger. It doesn't hurt, but now my ears are always ringing,they tingle and pop a lot.This is starting to effect my sleep. I also have a constant headache , I don't know if this is related to my ears or the bulging disc in my neck... View more questions Search