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    proudmomof2's Avatar
    proudmomof2 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 28, 2007, 12:38 PM
    Possible miscarriage
    About a month ago I thought I was pregnant because my period was late. The month before that it was late also and in December I did not receive one. I took a pregnancy test late February. The test was negative. Well my "period" came the other day but it is almost 3 weeks early. The "period" was very heavy and very clotty. I had back pain and abdominal pain. I have stopped having the clots for about three days now and since then I have had a thick, sticky, dark brown/orange dicharge. Could I be miscarring or what. I have been off birth control(the pill) since September 2006. Could you give some idea of what could be happening to me. I am confused and need the help.:confused:
    BarrelRacinGrl's Avatar
    BarrelRacinGrl Posts: 31, Reputation: 3
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    Mar 28, 2007, 01:01 PM
    You should contact your doctor for that, it doesn't sound right.
    Squiffy's Avatar
    Squiffy Posts: 499, Reputation: 84
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    Mar 28, 2007, 01:04 PM
    You need to see a dr. It might well just be your period re adjusting after being on the pill. I always got terrible heavy clotty periods before I went on the pill, and very painful, tummy back and leg cramps. But if you are having bleeding that is unusual for you, it is best to get seen by your dr.
    automansgirl's Avatar
    automansgirl Posts: 467, Reputation: 42
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    Mar 28, 2007, 01:05 PM
    It could be. I had a miscarriage at 4 weeks pregnant. I had lots of heavy bleeding and lots of clots for one day, but the rest continued as my normal period. I would definitely contact your doctor. The discharge you are having doesn't sound right. Good luck, I hope you get your answers.
    zelda's Avatar
    zelda Posts: 83, Reputation: 0
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    Mar 31, 2007, 02:24 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by proudmomof2
    About a month ago I thought I was pregnant because my period was late. The month before that it was late also and in December I did not recieve one. I took a pregnancy test late Febuary. The test was negative. Well my "period" came the other day but it is almost 3 weeks early. The "period" was very heavy and very clotty. I had back pain and abdominal pain. I have stopped having the clots for about three days now and since then I have had a thick, sticky, dark brown/orange dicharge. Could I be miscarring or what. I have been off birth control(the pill) since September 2006. Could you give some idea of what could be happening to me. I am confused and need the help.:confused:
    If you are having a miscarriage you will get the same pain as labor and you will also get the same urge to push

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