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Is it possible to get a negative urine test and a blood test
[ 3 Answers ]
Hi I'm 21 and had a miscarriage in May and I had a normal period in June and then missed my period in August completely and had a negative urine test and also a blood test with the same results which I'm still having cramping, breast getting larger and so on do any think I'm still pregnant cause I...
Negative blood test and urine test!
[ 11 Answers ]
Hey umm I am 3 and a half months late for my period. And I have taken several home pregnancy test and 1 blood test... all negative.during the 1st month I lost weight and now I have gained weight... just like when I was pregnant with my son. Who is almost 10 months. I've never ever been late...
Blood and urine test are both negative
[ 1 Answers ]
I haven't gotten my period since July 7 and usually my period only lasted for 5 days but that month it lasted for 10 days. I did a home pregnancy test at the end of August and it was negative. I waited for another month (September) and went to see my doctor, she got me to do a urine test at her...
Negative blood test negative urine but still feel pregnant
[ 2 Answers ]
Hi me again I've had my bloods taken not sure what of hcg tests I think which came backnormal,but still feel butterflys in my belly nauseas,and weight gain on my lower half could I still be pregnant or am I worrying myself in TO a early grave. Jeans are quite snug and my boobs have stopped... View more questions Search