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Negative blood and urine pregnancy test
[ 2 Answers ]
OK, I've been trying to get pregnant my last period was on the 4th of August 09 and me and my feon wants kids we had sex on the 10 I ovulated on the 17 we did it then... everyday up to the 24. And yes he erected in me. Lol but anyway I noticed a lot of cramping the cramping of when I would usually...
Urine test pos, blood negative
[ 3 Answers ]
I took a urine pregnancy test last week and it was a faint positive line. I went to the doctor to do blood work and came back negative. So I took another home pregnancy test and again came positive with an darker ovious line indicating I'm pregnant. It showdes up positive 10 minutes later. How...
Negative blood test negative urine but still feel pregnant
[ 2 Answers ]
Hi me again I've had my bloods taken not sure what of hcg tests I think which came backnormal,but still feel butterflys in my belly nauseas,and weight gain on my lower half could I still be pregnant or am I worrying myself in TO a early grave. Jeans are quite snug and my boobs have stopped...
Missed Period one negative urine test!
[ 9 Answers ]
Well, my last period was on February 12, 06, it is now April 10 and nothing. I went on vacation to see my boyfriend from March 12 to the 17, on March 15 I had discharge with a string of blood, and that was it. I have sore breast , cramping but no period. I took a urine test at home two weeks after... View more questions Search