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    mozzymarie's Avatar
    mozzymarie Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 26, 2011, 07:17 PM
    Is this a miscarriage?!
    Hi, I have a miscarriage question:

    Two weeks ago today I had an belly ultrasound when I was 8 weeks 2 days and it went very well. I was able to see the baby and hear a strong heart rate of 175!

    A mere four days after my great ultrasound I started spotting brown. I experienced some bad period like cramping consistently for two days so I went back to the Dr. He couldn't find a heartbeat on the doppler or belly ultrasound. He told me it was over and to try and miscarriage naturally.

    Over the next 3-4 days I continued to cramp and bleed but it lessened everyday. Now it has been four days since I have felt ANY cramping. I am still bleeding but very little. I still feel pregnant (my boobs are so sore!) but it supposedly has been at least 10-11 days since the heartbeat stopped...

    Is this normal? Could I still be pregnant? (FYI I have a retroverted uterus.)
    Sahara.Leila's Avatar
    Sahara.Leila Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 27, 2011, 02:33 AM

    Im sorry to say but I highly doubt you are still pregnant. I miscarried at around about 8weeks and I remember spotting brown first then I bled for about four days. My boobs also felt very sore after my miscarriage.
    I don't know if this is any help to you... but after my miscarriage me and my partner had sex four days later (when I stopped bleeding) and I actually fell pregnant again.
    Im now 28 weeks pregnant I also know this happened to my friend, she miscarried and then conceived again a week or so later.

    Hope this helps, don't hold on to thinking your still pregnant, if the doctor couldn't find a heart beat the chances are very small.

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