Full Member
Jun 4, 2008, 07:39 AM
Just want some opinions.
I have a beautiful 5 month old son, he has been so easy to care for, sleeps 12 hours a night since he was three weeks old, and I LOVE being a mom. I left my job as an RN to stay at home with my little man. Anyway, I just wanted some opinions: When is a good time to have a second child? We want to have a big family, and sometimes I think I am ready and other times I do not. So from your life experiences, when do you think would be a good time for baby number two :) ?
Jun 4, 2008, 08:36 AM
Dear ang8318
Congrats with your son.
It all depends on the situation. For everyone that is different.
We had three children in three years, because we had planned to go abroad, to live in the third world for a long time doing development aid in Africa. I never regretted that 3 year sprint, as our children grew up together as one single tight group. Entirely different as I grew up in a family with three children spread evenly over 12 years.
Do what you find "right" and what suits you and your partner !
Success !
Jun 4, 2008, 12:18 PM
I'm currently only baking my 1st, but I can share family experiences
My brother and I are 15 months apart. Mom still says she wishes I were potty trained before brother came along. She can still remember how hard it was to have 2 kids that age when you're trying to go grocery shopping. ;)
I have two half-sisters who are 6 and 12 years younger than me... I won't lie, its hard to relate to an 18 year old when I'm nearing 30.
My cousins are 10 months apart... their mother was crazy... lol
My cousin (who's 10m older than his sister) had his daughters 2.5 years apart. They claim to have enjoyed the extra time watching big sis grow before little sis came along.
My SIL had her first two 2.5 years apart... the third came when they were 8 & 6. The older kids don't have much interest in the baby, but I'm sure that will change with time.
In the end, its all up to what you'd prefer! GL deciding!
Full Member
Jun 4, 2008, 12:42 PM
My son is 3 1/2 years old and I am currently pregnant with my 2nd child. In my opinion I think this is the perfect spread for our family. My son is completely potty trained and will be starting pre-school this August. He is also still at that age to where he is very interested in the baby and is always kissing and patting my belly. Its really up to you. My brother and I are 2 years apart and it worked out great for my parents.
Uber Member
Jun 4, 2008, 05:54 PM
There are so many possible pros and cons no matter what you do... :) I found having mine fairly close together allowed me to stay in "baby mode", which I found worked well. At times it may have been a bit chaotic, but it was a lot of fun too and the kids had built in playmates. I usually had one just about out of diapers as the next one came along.
I know others who liked having a larger gap so the older ones could help out a bit more, or be a bit more self-sufficient. Some enjoyed having the first in school so they could spend more of that one-on-one time with the next baby. There is no guarantee you will become pregnant once you start trying either... it may happen that first month, it may take much longer.
Pets Expert
Jun 4, 2008, 05:59 PM
My son turned four 9 days after my daughter was born, it worked out great for us. He was potty trained, and speaking, and going to play school three days a week for 2 hours, it gave me a bit of time with the baby. They are now 9 and 5, and they love to play together. My son loves being a big brother and teaching his sister new things.
As previously said, I think it all depends on you and what you want and can handle.
Good Luck.
Jun 6, 2008, 11:54 AM
ang8318 agrees: congrats on your pregnancy, hope all goes well,
Thank you! :)
Full Member
Jun 7, 2008, 08:07 PM
Have number 2 when ever you want to... :) Just know I was my moms first and I was just like your son, my brother came next and he was up once every hour.
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