New Member
Jul 29, 2006, 09:48 AM
I am a 21 yr old me and my fiancé have been trying to become pregnant for the past month... a week after my last period (June 26-29) on July 5 I started spotting brownish. But that only lasted for about an hour.. well yesterday July 28 I started spotting bright red. My period is due but I have not gotten it. Could this be a sign of pregnancy.. some one please help this is my 1st time I experience something like this
Jul 29, 2006, 09:50 AM
You do not say if you have been using any form of birth control. This is very important when trying to figure these things out.
Also, you say you and your fiancé. Just out of curiosity do you have a ring and a date? It is hard to raise a child on your own.
New Member
Jul 29, 2006, 09:54 AM
Well no we have not been using any type of protection or birth control.. and yes I do have a ring and the date is for next year in January...
Jul 29, 2006, 10:00 AM
Great... no birth control, hopefully none at all in the past year.
Congrats on the ring and date, January is a beautiful month for a wedding. But remember, if you are getting married in January and you get pregnant now, you will waddle down the isle with a big baby belly in front of you.
This may be nothing unusual. Implantation bleeding is not as common as people tend to think it is. Have you taken an HPT?
I would think to wait another week to see what happens, however it is a good thing to treat your body as if you are pregnant until you know for sure. You want to give the little bugger a great chance if you are pregnant, and if not, you are still eating healthy.
This sounds to me though that it could be just a strage period. You are only 21 and your body is still undergiong hormonal changes until about 25. If an HPT comes back negative I would be willing to say it is just a hormonal imbalance that all of us women go through.
New Member
Oct 4, 2006, 11:44 AM
Hi J 9
I am so sorry for butting in on thus issue But, I take great offence for the question of weather she has a ring or a date for marriage.
1. I was married for 7 years and out of that seven years we have been trying to get pregnant for at least 4-5years, and when it finally happened in my first trimester he decided this was not for him.
2 women have beeen taking care of children on their own for many a years and doing a great job of it. Not to say that it wouldn't be easier with a steady partner but don't imply that, a woman absolutely needa ring to ensure that, that the father will stay around.
Oct 4, 2006, 04:07 PM
Shellyb, Do not be sorry about butting in on the issue, however, you can take offense if you want. That is your option.
1. However, it is easier for the man to walk away without the marriage certificate. I had two during marriage and ended up getting divorced, much like you. But divorce is harder than just breaking up and taking off.
2. Yes, women have been taking care of children on their own for many years and doing a great job of it. But much was before the feminist movement and women did not have to work and, thus, to have a well-rounded child a child needs two parents.
We can go round and round about this. No the ring does not ensure that the father will stay around, but it sure does help. I know this for a fact, I am divorced from the father of my two oldest. They were both born in wedlock. So divorce does happen. However, look at the percentage of single mothers who have never been married. It is MUCH higher than single mothers who have been married.
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