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10 Days late and still negative pregnancy test
[ 5 Answers ]
I have been put on perimetrium because I keep miscarring. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 4 months and I have has one miscarriage this time. I had 4 previous to my son being born. I am now 10 days late and I still get a negative pregnancy test. Has anyone had this problem and...
2 1/2 weeks late and negative pregnancy test
[ 43 Answers ]
Ok, so I took a pregnancy test at home when my period was 9 days late and it was negative. I have never missed a period before or been late, EVER! I am now 12 days late but want to wait until Sunday to take another one to be sure. I have had very light cramping for the past 2 and a half weeks along...
Missed period, pregnancy symptoms, negative test?
[ 6 Answers ]
Hi all I am new here. Just wanted your opinions; my last period started on Mar 16th (at the time I was on POP pill), then on Mar 23th ran out of the pill so stopped taking it. March 30th (day I ovulated oops) I had unprotected sex with my long term boyf but we used withdrawal method (stupid I...
10 day late period but negative pregnancy test
[ 5 Answers ]
I am ten days late for my period. It was due dec 17th or 18th. I had gotten them pretty regular the last two months about every 30 days. My boyfriend and I briefly had unprotected sex on Nov 26th and again on dec 26th but he pulled out and was not in there long- also he did not ejaculate. After...
Negative test but late...
[ 3 Answers ]
Hello everyone, My husband and have been trying to conceive since may/june 2006, before that I had a miscarriage in April.. My last period was aug 7th and I am a very regular 29 days. Now I am 2- 3 days late . I took a hpt yesterday evening and the results were negative.. In the past month I... View more questions Search