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Depression in Pregnancy - How to offer support
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Hi, I hope I can get some real direct advice? My partner is pregnant and in her first trimester, she has 3 children already with the youngest being 6. I had noticed my partner becoming irritable and snappy over the past couple of days. I said I had noticed she was upset recently where she...
Depression,depression, depression on ex girlfriend.
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After we broke up, I really wanted to forget her and such. More I tried, the more I step a few steps back. Now reminiscing I seriously feel she had cheated on me... and that might be the reason we broke up. It's been like half a year since we broke up but I still can't forget her. One of the reason...
Physical Depression more than Emotional Depression
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I have a hard time getting up in the morning, I feel like I have no energy. I'm not just tired but drained of anything to make me get up. I also have been having a hard time remembering things, dizzy spells, nausea and weakness when lifting things. I do have some emotional depression but not as...
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What are the symptoms and how do you know if you have it and how severe it is.
Anti depression medication and pregnancy
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I know a girl who was taking an anti depression drugs. She took it during the first trimester of her pregnancy. And from what I heard her doctor told her that there's a good chance that her baby might be physically harm and definitely will have mental retardation. That is just a rumour but I want... View more questions Search