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Could I Be pregnant? Please read and Honest Answers PLEASE and THANK YOU!
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Last period - June 17th Had sex on... June 21,22,27,30 July 1st, 3rd, 6,9,12, 14, 15 Ovulation day - July 1st.. Next period was suppose to be yesterday July 15th But didn't come.. I'm 2 days late today.. I checked pregnancy test both times.--- both negative.. My period NEVER came...
I need help I think I'm pregnant... read the rest of this question.
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Hi I have a question... I hadn't had a period for 2 years and I went to a new doctor because my other 2 doctors didn't do anything About it. So he gave me medroxyprogesterone 10 mg. It worked after I took all 10 pills. Its been 2 whole months since my period and I haven't had one since And I...
Depo-Vera & If I'm pregnant.Read
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I took the Depo-Vera shot for the first time 3months ago. I was suppose to go for the second shot on June 18 but decided I didn't want to be on birth control anymore.So since then I've been having unprotected sex with my boyfriend of course. I think I've been having symptoms of being pregnant but...
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Hello I am a 15 year old girl and I been with my boyfrined for 4 years and I finally had sex and he can't use a condom because they brake him out but he pulls and latly "3weeks" he got some on me but I whiped it off with hot water.. and now I think I am pregnant because I am always...
AM I PREGNANT? Please read before asking..
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The Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy This is a question that every woman will probably ask herself at least once in her lifetime. Whether you are trying to get pregnant, this is a pleasant surprise or something unwelcome, the signs and symptoms of pregnancy are all the same. There are many signs... View more questions Search